Part 1, Pre Drinks

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Kayla scooped her mouse brown hair up into a messy bun to prevent it sticking in the Pina Coladas that had just splashed all over her face.  She swore she put the lid on properly. Luckily, most of the white slush remained in the blender.

"Come get yours!" She yelled to her roommates in the other room. Sasha, Darla and Chris sauntered in to the too small kitchen. "Geez, what happened Kayla?" Chris laughed noticing the mess. Kayla rolled her eyes and told her to shush and began to pour their drinks into each of their mugs.
"We really gotta get some new glasses." Chris joked.

"I dunno. Maybe we should stick to cups with handles after last weekend." Sasha replied with a whisper of Spanish in her accent. The girls and Darla laughed as they remembered why playing beer pong with glasses instead of the standard USA red cup was a bad idea.

Filing back into the dimly lit living room, they plonked themselves down on the ratty L-sofa covered in cheap fluffy blankets. The room was decorated quite standard and simple. White walls, laminate flooring, fake Aloe Vera and succulent plants dotted about. Fairy lights, vanilla cupcake scented candles on white coffee table, and marble patterned throw pillows. The only dark thing in the room that stood out was a cherry wood cabinet and a large TV they all  had sprung for when an unfortunate accident happened with their old one involving, yet again, alcohol. Or more over, a drunk person falling into it.

"So what time is your Dad driving us tomorrow Kayla?" Chris asked, getting comfy on the couch and pressing play on the film.

"9am, so we should try to be quiet leaving." She replied, thinking of the suitcase wheels on the loud floor.
"I don't see why you don't just let me drive you both." Sasha said, sipping her cocktail in her signature skull mug.

"Because it's a lot of money for fuel for a Uni student." Kayla smiled. The past two years had been great for her as a whole. Of course, her degree was hell and the lessons were boring and the essays were long. But meeting her friends and spending each night in their shared house together was always a good time.

"I don't mind. I just got paid from the shop." Sasha replied. Before Kayla could reply, Sasha's phone that she had been scrolling on lit up with a vibrate. After a second she let out a small giggle.

"Jack again, was it?" Chris smirked, knowing full well it was only Jack who made Sasha giggle like that.

"That's for me to know, chica." She replied returning the smirk and climbing off the couch, sauntering down the hall to her room.

"Obviously Jack then." Darla said quietly, eyes concentrated on the TV screen. Kayla admired his new haircut, finally shaving the side like he'd been saying he wanted to for a while. It looked particularly cute with his outfit of the day- a black tee shirt tucked into a pink plaid tennis skirt, with white socks.

"Does it feel weird?" Kayla asked, still looking at his hair.

"What?" He replied, turning his attention to Kayla.

"The fuzzy bit where your hairs been shaved."

"Nah it feels kind of nice actually." He giggled reaching his hand up to touch it.

"Oooh! Give us a feel!" Chris laughed, reaching over Kayla towards Darla's head. He laughed and pushed her hand away, starting a small arm slapping war with her. Kayla leant back in her seat as to not get suddenly hit by the flailing hands.

"Get off!!" Darla laughed as Chris relentlessly tried to touch his hair. "Go back to chatting about your's and Kayla's hol."

Chris gave up and sat back in her spot with a huff. "Oh yeah, anyway, have you ever been on a cruise before?"

"No I haven't. I had a boyfriend once who had been on a few, told me it was amazing." Kayla replied.

"I wonder if you'll get sea sick."

"She'll get sick regardless from how much she'll drink." Darla commented, leaning his head on his hand.

"Stop making it out that I drink a lot! Anyway, I'm going to try not to drink too much anyway. I've had too many bad hangovers recently."

"There! You just proved it." Darla laughed.

"No, that means nothing. I get the same amount of hangovers as any other Uni student." Kayla argued.

"Honey, that's just not true. And anyway, it's only because you eat so much crap when you're drunk. Especially cheesy chips." Chris chimed in, knowing that dairy was Kayla's worst enemy, next to perfume that gave her migraines.

"You're just as bad! God, is it gang up on Kayla night?" She laughed and threw a pillow at Darla, causing her to let out a squeak.

"Don't worry Darla, I'll keep an eye on her." Chris said with a wink.

"Right. I better go pack. Night night girls." Kayla said getting up, causing Chris' eyes to go wide.

"You haven't packed yet?! We leave in like 11 hours!!" She almost squealed.

"I kept meaning to- but all the clothes I wanted to take needed washing and I've only just done it today." Kayla defended.

"Nope! Don't want to hear it! Get your ass in that room pronto!" Chris ordered, ushering her away, causing Darla to chuckle.

"Aw, you're not gonna come help?" Kayla teased.

"Nope! I'll only be a distraction. I am going to check on you though in 20 minutes!"

"That's like no time!" Kayla moaned.

"Better get in there quick then." Chris said as she turned to sit back down.

Kayla smiled at herself shaking her head as she made her way down the hall. Behind a closed door she could hear Sasha talking with a guy in Spanish.
Kayla let herself into her room, and turned the light on, biting her lip. It was a tad messy, and she had no idea where to start with the packing.

Bending down to the floor and reaching under the dusty double bed, she felt for her old suitcase until she touched the cold plastic. Yanking it out, collecting a gross amount of dust fluff on her arm too, she proceeded to unzip it.

Whilst kneeling on the floor, she reached out in front of her and pulled open the bottom drawer of her dresser. Rooting around, she grabbed a daisy covered white bikini bottom and placed it in her case.

"Right." She mumbled to herself, " Good start."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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