First "Cleanse"

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Pop pop pop Devin screams in agony after being shot in the chest three times, he stiffens and retches his body backwards to the point everyone can hear Devin's spine cracking and breaking under the force. "Blake what are you waiting for finish him!" Blake in a panic raises his now custom .38 and fires one more shot hitting Devin in the base of his skull, Devins then falls off the hood of the car as a green and black mist slowly be exasperated alongside the remaining air left in his lungs. What I'm the actual fuck was that, it couldn't have been Devin and that stuff that leaked out of him? Why why must I have to be the one? If only dad didn't die, he would still be here he would've kept us safe he could've saved Devin but I had to kill him... I'm a murderer. Dad, why did you have to die? It's been 5 years and you said you'd come back. "Blake! Are you listening? We need to go inside now!!!" Carly Blake's little sister screams, "yeah... yeah okay, let's go it will be safer there. Stay right by my side til we get to the door, I'll protect you." Blake says obviously bothered by taking a life for the first time, "you didn't see it did you? Ya know" Carly grabs Blake by the wrist as if to stop, "no, but I heard it and to me it's just as bad but I won't hate you I promise. Mom always said you took after dad too much and now I see it, please protect us like Daddy would." Blake and Carly step through the door and lock it behind themselves. Blake immediately runs to the restroom barely making it to the toilet before heaving and vomiting after the incident, "he wasn't human Blake, you can't freeze like that. They will kill you if you aren't ready." Emily says coldly "yeah? Well you can't just go popping off shots..." Emily screams in interruption "I  don't fucking care if he was my brother or not, I don't care if it was my best friend but if someone can get that far that fast they aren't human and I will shoot, it's what your dad would've taught you. I gave you time to collect yourself, so right now your mother and siblings need you to collect yourself and be the fucking guardian they need." Emily looks to her feet and softly says, "I need you to collect yourself because I can't see the man I want so distraught and broken over saving his loved ones, you did what you needed to and so did it. Blake I like you more than just like." Blake looks up to see Emily starting to cry, "Emily, I'm not a man yet in fact you're still a kid yourself. Please be careful with they way you say things, I don't want you to love me and me die pathetically. I care about you too, but I'm going to need your help."

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