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Have you ever experienced the feeling a deer has when it's caught on a road in front of a moving vehicle? Was there a moment in your life when you felt that kind of fear she probably has? Nether have I, well at least not until this moment.

Adrenaline was floating in my system, my heart was pumping and beating like it was trying to escape. My body wanted to either run fast to a safe place or to create a weapon for protection. Either way, I remained where I was. Let's face it, there was really only one thing I could do: pray he was not in a murdering mood. And with the look he was giving me, I probably have to try my best with the begging.

"Oh, Jaime what a nice coincidence, I was just passing by when I saw you."

Yeah, right ... There was a moment in my life when I thought that I was good at hiding the truth, but now that moment was long forgotten. Did I succeed in lying to Jaime? His piercing eyes and brows narrowed towards the bridge of his nose were telling the exact opposite.

"How much did you hear?"

He spat behind his clenched teeth, flexing his jaw muscles just the way I wanted them - firm and sharp like razors, but at the same time undeniably appealing.

Shaking my head slightly as if I was trying to chase those thoughts away, I turned my focus to his midnight black irises. They were connecting invisible parallel lines with mine, as my eye level was nowhere near his. His jets were piercing mine in a frightening and intimidating way causing mine to break the contact and look somewhere else. But even now, when I wasn't looking at him, I could feel his gaze burning my skin and sending chills down my spine.

"I've heard nothing..."

Maybe it was because I said my answer too fast or maybe because I tried to flee away from the scene, was why Jaime moved in front of me blocking my way. His much taller figure hovering over mine, and his tensed face made my gut twist. His mad eyes were looking at mine as if he was trying to find the truth in them. The truth, which I would rather keep for myself...

"Don't lie to me, Maya Reed."

"You are lying to me as well. Maybe if you tell me what happened the other day, I'd share my thoughts with you as well."

I had no idea where that bravery came from, to answer in such savage way. If it was with my father, he'd probably laugh it off and say that my smart mouth would only get me in trouble. But this was not my father - this was Jaime Valentine and he didn't seem quite amused with my comment.

Okay, now I see that he was definitely not happy with what I said, because after a second his hand was clenching firmly around my wrist and he was dragging me somewhere without a word.

Well, I better start with my praying right away.

• • •

Never in my right mind, it would have come to me that Jaime Valentine and I will be sitting in the local café near the center of the town like we were some old friends.

The afternoon had already said his farewell greetings and welcomed the evening with opened hands. The sun was setting down steadily and the usual mist was taking over the city.

I knew that my father wasn't going to be very happy with my continuous coming late, but never in a million years, I would miss this chance to talk to Jaime and figure something new about him. Hey, I could always lie to my father and say that I got held up in the library. With a little nagging from his side and cuddling from mine, the matter will be forgotten immediately.


Jaime started first while adding one more sugar cube in his cup. Surprisingly, instead of coffee - he ordered some tea. I never thought of him as a tea-person, more like a sugarless black coffee one or an espresso type, but never a tea one. However as much as I wanted to comment about the tea-part, I kept my words hidden behind my lips. I didn't want to give him a reason to snap on me once again or worse - leave. That way I'll never learn what's happening...

"By all means, you can go first!"

You can't even imagine how much of my inner power it took for me not to smile slyly at him. I could see how he was trying to stay as calm as possible. It seemed as if my comment caused a nerve to dance over his left eyelid, but without a second of hesitation, he masked it with lifting an eyebrow.

"The lady always goes first."

I could almost feel his sarcasm behind his words. Not only that, but his challenge as well.

"Oh no, you don't have to be a gentleman Jaime. Please do start first."

I met his eyes again, finding them already boldly gazing back at mine. He looked at me as if he was trying to challenge me with his dark orbs as well.

But did I fell for it? I'm sorry Mr. Valentine, but it looks like you don't know me too well. It will take a lot more than a lifted eyebrow and intense glance to break me.

It seemed as if he read that in my eyes because after a moment of hesitation and a painful lip bite - the mask on Jaime's face broke down. He took one deep and sharp breath while trying to muffle his cursing under it, but with the close distance we were sitting I heard him loud and clear.

"Fine damn it, you are so stubborn."

Hearing that, a content grin grew on my lips. The ends of my mouth were slowly curving in a teasing smirk, but before I managed to do it - my happiness was cut short. I didn't have the time to cheer for my victory, because just when he was about to speak - someone who had entered the café took his attention away from me.

• • •

N O T E :

How do you like Jaime's character? Do you have any theories about what is happening? Thank you so much for reading. Stay always healthy and happy!


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