Part 1

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Birds chittered overhead, reptiles slighter and hiss in their terrariums, aquariums bubble and swish as their aquatic animals move about, and mammals of a variety scuffle and chatter throughout the area. An assortment of smells waft through the shop; from the damp undergrowth in a forest to the salty breeze of the seas to the exotic flowers blooming for the first time in the parched sands of the desert. There are some other scents that you can detect that shouldn't be mentioned too, but for the most part it's an all-around pleasant aroma. The slight hustle and bustle of the shop is quite soothing this warm autumn morning.

Lazily, I stretch half-heartedly in my Persian silk hammock. My suspended bed is perfectly placed in the side display window of the pet store; perched high in the corner where it receives the most sun throughout the day. The sun has managed to break through the fall storm clouds and is shining warmly into the shop windows. A rare treat since the nearby seas have been pushing ever-increasing moody weather upon this little town in Maine for the past week.

I sigh contentedly to myself. For the last couple of years, I've been the highlight of this pet store. The owner and I have a little arrangement worked out that suits both of us just fine. I allow myself to be sold every so often, with a binding contract that any new owner will bring me back should they not be able to handle me. Nick benefits from the profits and I benefit from always having a home. I've just recently come back to the shop after being gone for almost two months.

Some stubborn idiot thought that they could tame me. In the end they could no longer stand the sight of me and happily returned me to store. Normally the longest I'm gone is a couple of weeks. But, seeing as how I had a longer leave of absence, this time around I've been granted some time off, which I plan on using to my fullest. I love the sun and I have the best spot in the shop to bask in it all day long.

Bells chime at the front entrance and my ear twitches at the sound. The long hairs at the tips of my ears pick up the slight shift in the air from the door opening and shutting. It's probably just another mortal looking for a new pet or hobby, so I pay no mind to them. I turn slightly in my smooth bed finding just the right spot that has been heated by the rays of the Earth's life-giving star. With a heavy sigh I settle in, basking in the natural warm light.

Henry, the blue macaw near me in the display window, lets out a loud screech. I hiss at the noise. The bird is going to become a midmorning snack if he lets out one more annoying syllable.

The macaw quiets at my verbal threat but, rustles his feathers in distress. The hiss of a baby basilisk and the wailing of a willow wisp sends the rest of the shop into a frenzy. Every paranormal creature in the facility sounds the alarm. Only a dangerous paranormal being could set off all of 'extremely exotic' pets, as Nick calls them. On high alert, I abandon my silky suspended bed and flea to the shelves above the window. The shelves wrap around the entire front of the store providing me a discreet escape if necessary. Swiftly and deftly I dart around the merchandise on the shelf finally hiding behind a large box of a starter kit for an aquarium.

Peeking around the box, I see Nick emerging from the back with his black apron on, the stores golden logo of an infinity sign embroidered on the left breast. There is a frown upon his handsome face and his medium length blonde hair is tousled as he comes through the swinging doors. He must have been cleaning one of the large bird cages again; the feathery miscreants always like to rumple his perfectly styled hair for the fun of it. A hooded figure stands at the main counter patiently waiting for Nick's attention. The newcomer has abstained from ringing the bell placed upon the glass counter top.

Nick brushes a few stray red feathers from his shoulder and walks the short distance from the storage door to the counter. In one fluid motion his annoyed expression changes to a million-dollar smile, ready for customer service. Upon reaching the potential client though, his golden skin turns milky white and his smile falters. He takes a step back, mouth working like a fish out of water but, no sound coming from it.

Death's PetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora