Part 3

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   Bells twinkle and chime somewhere nearby. A delicate woman's voice softly croons even closer to me; it almost sounds like an old vinyl record playing. Scents of Jasmine and honeysuckle tickle my nose. The beautiful sun wraps me with warm rays. Keeping my eyes closed, I stretch luxuriously; the bed is almost as velvety as a cloud and oh so warm. Digging my claws in, I attempt to fluff my bed just a little more. The sweet singing voice stops, and a sharp cry of pain replaces it. The sudden harsh distressed noise has my eyes popping wide and my body hurtling downward off of cloud nine.

  Terrified and disoriented and with unfamiliar surroundings, I shoot for the closest cover I can find which happens to be under the bed I was just laying on. There's another cry and then a shushing sound.

  "It's alright beautiful. Soon your pain will end." The voice is low and deep.

  A whimper, then, "Promise it won't hurt anymore?"

  "Yes, my sweet lady, no more pain. Your family waits for you now. You just need to let go." The voice deepens further on the last sentence as though compelling the old woman.

  "I can't." she whimpers again. "If I leave who will be here for you?"

  It's quiet for a long time before the woman speaks. "I know your lonely. It shows in your face every time you've come to visit me. If I'm gone who will you have then?"

  "Has it been that obvious?" The man chuckles, not quite answering her question.

  I can practically hear the smile in the old woman's voice. "I'm afraid you're an open book Mort."

  A moment passes before, "You don't need to worry about me. I have found a travelling companion of sorts. I'll be just fine."

  The woman sighs as if contented by his answer.

  Another long pause and then I hear a sigh of relief. The man speaks, "It's time. May you travel comfortably to your loved ones." A warm breeze sweeps through the room followed by a blinding flash of light. The room stills, going eerily cold; the very color around me seems to drain away. I shiver at the stony silence.

  Storm clouded eyes peek into my hiding spot a second later. It's Mr. Mortimer. I remember now that he purchased me from the pet shop that use to be my sanctuary. He smiles kindly at me and beckons with one hand for me to come out.

  Narrowing my eyes, I hiss at him. After the little scene with the woman, I finally know why the man's name is so familiar. I know why Nick was too scared to say no to him as well.

  He smirks. "If you'd rather stay here with the body your more than welcome too." He disappears from sight and I hear heavy footfalls as he leaves the room. Tails twitching irritably, I scoot out from under the bed after the sound of his feet, careful not to look back at the bed. I have no desire to be Mr. Mortimer's pet. But the idea of staying here with the recently, deceased is even less appealing. The door to the room begins to close as I scurry to get out of the room. I manage to slip past the door just before it closes on one of my tails.

  Warm hands wrap around my body and lift me into the air. I let out a growl of a warning. I am not some dumb domesticated cat that can be picked up whenever someone feels like it. To my surprise though, I'm gently placed on his broad shoulder. I adjust on my perch, digging my claws in a little to keep my balance, all the while giving him the evil eye.

  "Now, you can either hang on up there or it's back into the box. You decide." He waves a hand over at the plastic pet carrier I was stuffed into earlier. Though his tone is gentle, there is an undercurrent to it. I could try and make a run from him, but a feline of my kind wouldn't last long without help. Even with my powers I still have limits. Also, I'm highly suspicious that he isn't going to let me run off either without a chase, especially not after the price he paid for me.

  I give a jerky nod at him and he smiles. "I'll take it your fine where you're at then. Alright my Kasha, hold tight. We are done for the moment and can travel home for a small reprieve."

  With a turn, we leave and travel in a blink of an eye, to home

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