Part 8

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  We arrive in yet another hospital. The antiseptic smell and people running around in white coats and scrubs have become all too familiar since I've come to live with Mortimer. What I had not expected was that we came to a children's hospital, a place we've only visited once before.

  As usual, Mortimer easily navigates his way through the place, always knowing exactly where he needs to go. We arrive in a special ward within seconds and wait outside a door marked 13B. Normally, Mortimer would walk in without a second thought. However, for some reason unknown to me, he paused before entering this room. In the short time we've been together he has never hesitated. Now, it's clearly written across handsome face that he is having second thoughts about entering. I go to comment on his hesitation but don't get the chance. He pulls me down from his shoulder and engulfs me in his strong arms, holding me close to chest. Without a word from either of us he enters the room.

  Being that it is a children's facility, I expected there to be a child in the room on the brink of death. However, I was not prepared for the little boy that was bouncing around the room. It took my breath away at how much joy and life filled the little human. His smile was brighter than any sunrise that has ever graced this Earth, and the sheer happiness radiating from him was enough to make heaven and all it's angels' pride by its blinding brightness. The boy had not a single hair on his body and was beyond paper pale and thin as a twig but, he was beautiful and full of life none the less.

  I shoot a skeptical look at Mort and then scan the room for the dying person. There are two healthy adults and the ball of energy racing around the room that is the little boy. Why the hell are we here then?

  Mort, as though he heard my unspoken question, answers me, "The boy's parents just received the news that they found a match for a bone marrow donor. Tomorrow the procedure is supposed to take place but..." He bows his head hiding his face from me. For several moments he's quiet and finally with a deep shaky breath he continues, "He won't live through tonight."

  Taken aback, I again look to the tiny human happily running amok around the small room. "Surely, this is a mistake. I can feel the life coming off of him in waves. This isn't a dying boy."

  Mort shakes his head viscously. "No. There is no mistake. The boy will die tonight."

  The misery coming from his voice makes me ask, "Mort, why do you care? People dying is a part of the job, is it not?"

  A shudder runs through him and I realize he's crying. Panic begins to invade me. Never have I seen The Death shaken by a life passing away onto the next. I don't know what to do but before I can even think of anything he says, "This boy is the last of my family. Though I have been Death for many centuries now, I have watched over my family years. They are the one thing that made becoming this," -he gestures to himself with slight disgust- "worth it. I would have a chance to see each of them one last time before they left this world for the next. Now this boy is all that is left of them and tonight he will die. I will truly be alone after this; a never-ending cycle of death but no future life to bring light to it anymore." His voice fades to barely a whisper, cracking at the last word.

  I don't know what to do or say to this. For me, being part Kasha, I know what I am and what is expected of my species. Death is nothing to us, it is welcomed and celebrated even. The other half of me rejects that dark side of me. I am the anomaly in my species where death does not excite me; I do not willing accept the delight of carnage that can come from it. It was Mort that helped me to realize that just because I was born this way, didn't mean I had to accept my fate. I could choose a different path. He helped me realize that I could choose differently, as well as be at peace with what I am.

  Now presently, Mort, the one person I never thought would have an issue with what they are, is silently warring with himself right before my eyes. He has clung to life through his family and now it's coming to a fast close. If being able to see all of his family is why he accepted this position, how will he be able to continue on, when he feels there is nothing left for him here? Will death consume him? Something similar to my own dark natures that drive me, will he be consumed by something dark and be feared when he has no light to balance him?

  I can see the dark void beginning to grow in his storm colored eyes as he watches the little boy make another lap around the room. The very edge of his iris's holding onto the light and life of this boy. I don't know what I can do to help but, I have to at least try.

  "Mortimer?" I ask. He tilts his head in my direction but keeps his attention on the boy. "You've been able to watch all of your family over many generations." He turns his head to me, curiosity sparking.

  "What is your point little Kasha?" his tone is low but has a warning to it.

  Swallowing quickly, I say, "Well, you've been able to see all of the adventures they have had in life. What if now, after we help your boy move on, it's your turn to have an adventure of your own?"

  Mortimer studies me for a moment and I can tell he's still warring with himself. Wiggling out of his arms I climb up onto his shoulder and softly press my head against his cheek. "You've done your job and have watched over your family. Don't you think they might like to hear of your stories when you can meet again?" He looks at me sideways and I return the gesture, cocking my head at an exaggerated angle. "Just because one chapter has ended doesn't mean we can't start another."

  The corner of his mouth turns up slightly and he sighs heavily. "That is true my little Kasha." With a longing look at the boy again he walks us over to one of the empty chairs in the far corner of the room to sit and wait. Placing me on his lap, he scratches behind my ears. "Perhaps it is time to start a new chapter but, for now, I just want to enjoy the end of this one a little while longer."

  I purr in response, watching the never-ending energy ball that is Mort's boy bouncing around the room still. 

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