Halloween Party

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At home Charley and Kenny got ready. "Trust me if you have an interest for my brother you need to stop cause Casey will sabotage you too." Said Charley. "Wait he did it to you?" Asked Kenny. "Don't worry about it get dressed" said Charley. Soon Kenny came out of the room in a grey cut crop top, with booty jean shorts, white rabbit ears and regular timberlands on. "Damn you are a real ken doll." Said Charley. "thank you darling now can you give me a little cute bunny makeup with some sparkle on my rosy cheeks?" asked Kenny. "Sure thing hun" said Charley getting his new makeup palette toxic femininity. after a few hours Kenny showed up to the party with Kenny walking through the door after him. "soon everyone looked at Kenny as he walked towards Casey. "hey bitch I can't believe it you pulled it off your a real bunny like the animal." said Casey. "thanks were is Nick and tanner?" asked Kenny. "I don't know but we do have to find them" said Casey. after a few minutes in the ken dolls dragged Kenny into the game of seven minutes in heaven. as they sat around with some girls and cute guys, the bottle spun at Casey and this one girl. after seven minutes in a coat closet they walked out and the girl cried and left the game. "what the hell did you do Casey?" asked Kenny. "nothing she needed help finding her type of guys and I told her that she was so ugly the devils is rooting for her to go to heaven" said Casey. "oh my god you can't just say that to people Casey" said Tanner. "yes i can" said Casey. "hurt my guest feelings Casey?" asked Daren. "soon Kenny's eyes fell on his and they looked away but not fast enough. "Daren how bout you spin and the bottle?" asked Casey. "sure why not," said Daren. soon the bottle stopped at Kenny. "well looks like you get to go with seven minutes in heaven with Kenny" said Casey. "fine let's go ken" said Daren helping Kenny up. as they walked into the closet they used the combined flashes on their phones to light up the room. "so whats with you and Casey?" asked Kenny. "well we used to date in sophmore year and now this year he's been trying to get with me or ruin my dates with other people, I'm bi, just in case you were wondering" said Daren. "well duh I'm mean I saw you flirt with tracy on friday so I pick up bi guy vibes. " said kenny. "oh so you sniffed me out" said Daren. "yeah well its kind of my power I can basically see if someone is gay bi or straight." said Kenny. "well thats not scary at all" said Daren. "don't laugh at me, so I know your brother Charley" said Kenny. "really I want him to have more friends its just some times it can be damaging for him to hang out with me I just wish there was a way for us to hang out at school without the high school bullshit" said Daren. "I have a plan to help that, okay meet me in Charley's room after the party I'm sleeping over tonight. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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