Part 2

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"All Aboard!” The conductor shouted.

He looked back at the train and then at the spot Mykenna just occupied. He cursed and ran on the train.

“Where the hell have you been?” The girl in the red and black plaid hat with matching skirt asked.

“I was waiting for Myke.” He said as he gathered his things quickly.

“Why? You’re here with me.” She said. “Wait what are you doing?”

“I am going after her.” He said as he zipped his backpack up. “This isn’t going to work. We’re done.”

“What? Just like that! Im Jaebeom you get back here.” She said going after him.

He got off the train and looked around. He still didn’t see Mykenna. He looked at his phone.

“You’re really leaving me for that girl?” She said as she finally caught up with him.

He looked at her. “Yes.” He said simply as he put the phone to his ear and walked away.

She stomped her foot in the snow and pouted.

Mykenna sat on the floor in front of her Christmas tree. She looked up at it. “I probably shouldn’t have gotten the 8 foot tree.” She said to the cat in her lap. She remembered how Jaebeom helped her decorate it and teased her about it being the size of two of her. She remembered watching him put the star on top for her on the ladder. He stood with his arm on her shoulders as they looked at their work. She bent her head. “Bah.” She got up. The cat in her lap meowed his disapproval. “Sorry Ahn.” She said as she walked away from the tree. She made her way to her room. She needed a shower.

She let the hot water hit her as she tried to wash away all that had happened today. She shouldn’t have kissed him, but she did. It was the only way to know what was going on without telling him. At least now, he wouldn’t worry anymore. He could go and be with whatever her name was and she would be here, alone; waiting for him like she always did. She knew it was dumb and she knew he would never care for a girl like her but she did it unconditionally. She bent her head as the tears fell freely even after she tried so hard to keep them at bay.

Jaebeom opened the door to the house he shared with his Mom and stepfather. “Eomma!”

“What are you doing here?” She said drying her hands on a towel.

He quickly took off his shoes.

“I thought you were spending the holiday with…”

“I changed my mind about several things. Do you remember that box I gave you?” He asked.

“Of course I do. Why?”

“I need that. Can you get it for me?” He said as he ran to his room.

“I thought this was for someone special.” His mother teased. “I hope it isn’t that silly girl.”

He came out of his room pulling on his shirt.

“I do much prefer Miss Mykenna to that silly girl. She is much more suitable for you. I have always thought so.”

“Will you just get the box, Eomma?” He asked. He felt much more relaxed in his t shirt and jeans. “I have to catch a bus.”

“Okay, okay. I am just making my point.” She said handing him the box. “Where are you off to now then?”

“To find Mykenna.” He said as he slipped on his jacket and picked up his newly packed backpack. He put the small gift in the backpack. “She shouldn’t be alone on Christmas eve.”

“She’s alone? Jaebeom-ah! Why didn’t you tell me? Oh the poor dear must be so sad.” She said holding the towel.

He flinched. “Now I feel even worse. I am going to find her. She’s not answering her phone and the snow is getting worse.” He looked out the window.

“Take the truck.” His step father said handing him the keys. “Let us know she and you are safe.”

He took the keys. “I will Appa.”

“It’s for Mykenna-ah isn’t it?” Eomma said looking at him.

“What?” Jaebeom asked confused.

“The gift.”

He nodded. “It always was.” He left the house. He was nervous about driving but her penthouse wasn’t far. He sat in the truck and tried one more time to call her. “Pick up. Pick up.” He said several times. He cursed when she didn’t. He let out a sigh. He put the truck in gear and left. For her, he would brave a blizzard if he had to.

She sat in the alcove overlooking the beautiful city. The tea she made getting cold as it sat in the window with her. Her phone was at her feet. She hadn’t dare look at it since she left Jaebeom standing there at the train station. She clicked the screen on and saw six missed calls and several texts from him.

JB<3: Answer your phone kitten…now…

               *missed call*

JB: Didn’t I say answer? I am pretty sure I said answer

                 *missed call*

JB<3: Please don’t make me worry on top of everything else…

JB<3: There are so many things I want to say to you…I won’t text them please just…answer the phone

               *missed call*

JB<3: Why did you kiss me and then leave me like that without letting me even try and kiss you back? Mykenna, Kitten…please…

Kitten: I am not the girl for you but my silly heart says otherwise…please…enjoy your trip. Don’t you worry about me one bit…I’m sorry..I just…I just wanted to know what it was like, just once. Forgive me?

She knew she wouldn’t get a response. That was okay. She knew he would be wrapped up with her doing…those things she could only dream of doing with him. “She is one lucky girl.” She bent her head and went back to staring at her phone.~~

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