Part Three

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It’s been two weeks since Hongseob and Changsun were introduced to the members of 24K. So far, a lot of their time has been spent learning the new choreography for the latest comeback (they were both going to be hidden as backup dancers, as the company didn’t want to reveal them to the public yet) and vocal practice. All in all, they didn’t have very much time to do anything else besides work, and it quickly got tiring.

    They were all (meaning all of the members of 24K) resting after a very tough round of dance practice. Cory and Kisu were leaning against the wall next to each other, engaged in quiet conversation, while Jeonguk, Hui, and Jinhong were sitting by themselves, trying to regain their breath.

    Meanwhile, two-thirds of the maknae line were causing a ruckus.

    “Seobbie!” Changsun cried out, jumping on the younger's back.

    “What the-” Hongseob started, cutting himself off and trying to pry the older's arms from around his neck. “Get off me, you oaf!”

    “But I want cuddles!” Changsun whined, wrapping himself around Hongseob.

    “Go cuddle with your stuffed animals, then!” retorted Hongseob, struggling under the other's weight.

    “But I wanna cuddle with you!” Chansung said immediately. Knowing Hongseob would continue to push him away (even more so when others were around), Changsun drove his fingers into the younger's side, wriggling them a bit until giggles started to fall past Hongseob's lips.

    “No!” Hongseob cried, trying (and failing) to get away as laughter wracked his form. “Get- get away! S-Sunshine, please!”

    “Promise you'll give me cuddles, and I'll stop,” Changsun said, pausing in his tickling for a moment.

    Hongseob used that opportunity to dart away, hiding behind Jinhong (who was sitting near the wall, scrolling through his phone) and grabbing said man's shoulders.

    “Hongie, help me!” Hongseob hissed in the taller's ear, eyeing Changsun, who was slowly advancing toward them.

    “With what?” Jinhong inquired, a smile beginning to show.

    “Changsun is trying to tickle me because he wants cuddles,” the younger explained quickly, not noticing the glint in Jinhong's eyes as he and Changsun traded glances.

    “Well, we can change that,” Jinhong said lowly, grinning. He turned around, swiftly moving his hands to Hongseob's sides and starting to wiggle his fingers in a sporadic manner.

    “No!” Hongseob cried out again, fighting against the older while struggling to contain his laughter. “I t-trusted you!”

    Hongseob ended up falling onto the floor, Jinhong hovering above him. The others had turned to look at them now, wondering what was going on, and they couldn't help but smile.

    For some reason, Hongseob always seemed to talk and enjoy himself more around either Changsun or Jinhong ― not that the others minded; just as long as Hongseob was starting to open up more and be happy.

    Anyway, Jinhong decided that was enough and pulled his hands away, resting them on the floor next to Hongseob's head without much thought. Only when Hongseob's breathing started to slow did he realize just how close the two were.

    “Sorry,” Jinhong muttered, immediately starting to get up. He blushed furiously, refusing to admit that he had actually started leaning in before he managed to catch himself.

    Honestly, why couldn't he control himself around Hongseob?


    Fortunately, the “incident” (as Jinhong labelled it) never came up again. Unfortunately, it seemed Jinhong was struggling to keep his emotions under control, which he realized in the middle of the night when Hongseob woke him up.

    “Jinhong?” a soft voice whispered, the sound being drowned out by the older's gentle snores. “Jinhong?” he said a little louder.

    Jinhong cracked his eyes open, surprised to find Hongseob standing next to his bed clutching a pillow.

    “Hongseob?” Jinhong inquired, his voice raspy from sleep. He shifted so he could see the other better, eyeing him with concern. “What’s wrong?”

    “I can't sleep,” Hongseob said sheepishly, not meeting Jinhong's eyes.

    A strange warmth overcame the elder and he couldn't help but smile. “Come on, then,” he encouraged, lifting up the blanket and moving over.

    As Hongseob settled down, gripping his pillow tightly, Jinhong noticed how red his eyes were.

    “Have you been crying?” blurted Jinhong, immediately feeling guilty when he saw Hongseob look away quickly.

    “I just,” Hongseob swallowed, “I miss home.”

    Suddenly feeling a sense of bravery, Jinhong pulled the younger closer to him and into his arms. “It's okay, Seobbie. We all miss home sometimes, it's nothing to be ashamed of.”

    “Thank you, Hongie,” whispered Hongseob. “That means the world to me.”

    And if perhaps Jinhong was starting to fall for the man in his arms, well... no one had to know.

Author's note:

*insert Taemin's I trusted you gif*


Also, Changsun's nickname is Sunshine, Hongseob's is Seobbie, and Jinhong's is Hongie (all for obvious reasons).

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2019 ⏰

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