• about time for a tag •

59 7 71

(i'm gonna add in the screenshot of the questions later :) ^^)

hey y'all! i've been getting tagged in quite a few things lately, but this particular one stuck out for me since it has to many questions and i've actually never seen it before which, i'll be honest, makes a nice change.

thanks for all the tags though, i appreciate it! this one is from Badwrasse so thanks dude :)

riGHT let's get on with the questions:

1 | single or taken?

somehow taken

2 | middle name?

i think i'm gonna go with quentin :))

3 | last kiss?

hAHA it's almost been a year and that was with my ex because SOMEONE lives in fucking wales

4 | girl best friends?

practically my whole friendship group especially _i_am_confusion_ :3

5 | guys best friends?

*ahem* jOEEEE-

6 | favourite song?

bad habits by ben platt is a BOP

7 | height?

5"3 babyyyyyy

8 | weight?

okay i'm happy with my weight but even so

there's a line jeez

9 | first kiss?

uhh dude name sean. was okay. in year 6. let's move on

10 | play any sports?


11 | one secret?

i mean i'm a pretty open book to be honest

i actually can't think of anything hang on

i've been sat here for ages and i can't think of shit rip next questions

12 | piercings?

just my ears :)

13 | longest relationship?

just under a year but trust me when i say it shouldn't of lasted that long

14 | favourite ex?

i meannnn madi since she is one of my closest friends

15 | race?

w h i t e

16 | three things you would change about yourself?

1. the gender i was assigned at birth

2. my anxiety

3. my lack of skill in math

17 | who you tell everything to?

paige :)))

18 | ever cheat?

lmao no

19 | one wish?

i don't give a shit imma make two for this set of upcoming mocks to go weLLL and to meet -Satan_- :(((((

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