New Beginnings (Arthur Morgan x Younger! Reader)

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Requested by BrittyAsFk 

Summary: Dutch rescues you and brings you back to camp, and you catch some feelings for Arthur. 

Author's Note: I'm make a part 2 of this because there is a lot of stuff I wanna put in here and I don't like writing super long one shots. 

W: Arthur probably gonna seem out of character, y'all know the drill by now


"Miss Y/n," The older gentleman said to you as he helped you off the back of his horse, "Welcome to your new home. These people will take care of you.". 

Some time ago you had been taken prisoner by the Del Lobo gang, you have no idea how long they had you. Dutch Van Der Linde found you after him and a group of others killed at least a hundred gang members. 

You smiled and nodded at him, surveying the area around you. You hadn't said much during the ride here, which was understandable. 

"Arthur Morgan, come over here" Dutch called out. 

A man with sandy brown hair and tanned skin sauntered towards you. He looked at you with surveying eyes that made you feel nervous. 

"Arthur," Dutch slung his arm around him, "This is Y/n, I found her doing some... work. She's going to stay here with us, it would be a big help if you'd take her under your wing for a few days until she gets her bearings here.". 

Arthur nodded slowly and glanced over at you, when the sun caught his eyes you were taken aback by their gorgeous color. 

"Alright then... Y/n." He raised his eyebrows at you. 

"Perfect," Dutch tapped you on the back, lightly pushing you towards Arthur, "Let me know if you need anything". He walked away. 

"Do ya talk?" Arthur said. 

You nodded in response, crossing your arms. 

He sighed, "Okay, well... I'll show ya around then... I guess". He gestured for you to follow him. 

"This over here is Pearson's wagon. He's our cook, you'll find food there. Around here is Dutch's tent. This is our contribution box, when you have any spare money or items, put it in here. And... Well I think that's about it. Susan Grimshaw will set you up with a place to sleep. Need anything else?".

You shook your head with your eyes fixed on the ground. 

He exhaled deeply and tipped his head back. "Alright Y/n, what's goin' on? You haven't said a word."

You looked up at him with hair in front of your face, "Jus' don't have much to say" You mumbled. He quickly brushed the hair away from your face and tipped your chin up. 

"When Dutch said he found you doing some 'work', he saved you from somethin' bad, didn't he?"   

"Yeah, he did" you said after a small pause. In the few seconds it took you to respond, thousands of horrible images that burned into your brain from the past year flashed. 

Arthur nodded, "Well, a lot of people here will get that. Are you sure you don't need anything?" 

"I don't need anything" you said softly. 

-Later that night-

You'd met most of the ladies in the camp, they were all really kind to you and it helped you break out of your shell a little more. The rest of the people in the gang still felt like a strange far away anomaly. Feeling like such an outsider was a new feeling for you. 

You stood a fair distance from a group that had collected by the fire. Suddenly someone from behind brushed up against the back of your arm. 

"You seem to be settling in". 

You turned your head to see Arthur and his pretty eyes again. 

"Yeah, I think so" You nodded. 

"That's good, that's very good".

You studied his face for a minute, he's not bad to look at, you thought to yourself. You could tell he was older than you, and probably by a lot. His eyes were creased and he had a prominent scar on his chin. 

"What are you lookin' at?" He chuckled.

"Oh, uh" Your cheeks began to heat up, "Nothin' ".

He looked at you for a moment and then laughed, "Okay, well, I'll see ya around" he said as he walked towards the group. 


Part 2 should happen soon!

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