6 - A New Challenger Approaches

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—— 6 Months Later ——

Pidge fiddled with Lance's camera mindlessly, flipping through photos of Spider-Man he had taken the night before to show to his boss. She loved Coran, honestly, but the dude was unhealthily obsessed with Spider-Man. She'd be more worried about it if he wasn't wildly, almost comically off about every accusation he made against the vigilante.

She loved going with Lance to the Daily Bugle. Technically, she didn't have a job there, but everyone there knew her (in more ways than one) and she loved to volunteer. And any excuse to spend some time with her boyf— not boyfriend, Lance, was a good excuse.

Her and Lance had broken up over the summer. Which -- was not a big deal, according to Pidge. The breakup was mutual, with college approaching and Pidge being a superhuman vigilante/part time Avenger they both found it easier to go their separate ways. They were still good friends, and Pidge was absolutely cool with that. For sure.

But even with the break up, they were still thick as thieves. Pidge was happy to stay by his side and help him with his work. Because she was not at all bitter about the break up and was still ready to help him as just friends.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Coran announced dramatically, sauntering into the room like the coolest motherfucker on planet earth, "please welcome our newest member to the Daily Bugle, Miss Romelle Stacy."

A young looking girl followed sheepishly after him. Her blonde hair was done up in pigtails and her clothes were bright blue and pink. Her face was flushed, probably from all the attention. She waved politely to the employees in the building.

She started making chatter with some of the workers as everyone else went back to their work. Pidge watched Romelle with newfound interest. She looked a little anxious to be in this new work environment. Pidge knew the feeling, and she wanted to help ease her fears.

Eventually, Romelle had circled around the room to Pidge's (Lance's) desk.

"Hi. You're a photographer, right?" Romelle greeted, admittedly a little awkwardly, and nodded her head towards the camera in Pidge's hands.

"Sorta. My friend is the real photographer, I'm just filling in for him. Romelle, yeah? Cool name." Pidge smiled, holding her hand out to shake. Romelle took it and returned the smile tenfold.

"Thank you, uh..."

"Katie Parker. You can call me Pidge."

She tilted her head a little. "Pidge? How do you get Pidge from Katie?"

Pidge laughed, thinking of her brother and the stupid origin of that name. It was a sweet, genuine laugh, unlike her usual snicker. "Long story."

She noticed Romelle was just standing there. Not in a threatening or endearing way or anything, just... standing.

"Do you... want to sit? There's a chair right there." Pidge offered, gesturing to a ratty little blue office chair next to her desk. She wished she had a better seat to offer, but the office was busy today and the only one near them was that one.

But Romelle didn't complain, instead she just rolled it in front of Pidge's desk and sat in it. She seemed a little uncomfortable, because the seat was hard as rocks and springs were poking out and jabbing into her skin. Not to mention it was barely big enough to fit her.

"Sorry," Pidge muttered, "it's not the best."

Romelle waved a hand and shook her head. "Not a problem."

The silence began, and oh man, was it unbearable. Pidge felt a desperate need to fill it in with idle chatter, but Romelle wasn't even looking in her direction anymore, instead choosing to stare out the window and tap her fingers against the desk. Pidge almost wished she hadn't invited the girl to sit.

"Hey, so," Romelle started, and Pidge thanked her lucky stars. She put her elbows on the desk and leaned in to Pidge closely. "Your boss, Mr. Jameson, is he always this... exuberant?"

She snorted. That was funny. "He's... a character. You get used to him."

She giggled, and Pidge felt oddly happy by the noise.

The two continued to sit there and just... talk. The conversation came naturally to them, which was strange for the normally introverted girl. But Romelle was just easy to talk to, and Pidge found herself not wanting to stop. They talked about different things, things like what it was like working here and the quickest route to the Five Guys four blocks down. Apparently Romelle had just moved to Queens from Boston, and didn't know her way around too well. Pidge, a Queens native, was more than happy to show her around.

After a half hour of talking and laughing, Coran burst back into the room with that "I'm here now, deal with it" air and all head turned to him and his bushy orange moustache.

"Ms. Stacy, a moment, please?" He asked loudly. He had a naturally loud voice. That or he was always projecting, for some reason.

Romelle slipped out of the uncomfortable chair and straightened her clothes out. Pidge readjusted her glasses on her face, just as Romelle slipped a small piece of paper towards her. She gave the girl a sly wink and walked back out of the dainty office into the hallway with Coran.

Pidge grabbed the paper and looked at the writing scrawled on it. Her face heated up when she realized what it was.

A phone number.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2019 ⏰

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