Kaylee X Oliver: Chapter 1

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It was a dark and rainy night, Kaylee kept her head covered by the hood of her sweatshirt as she listened to sad songs on her phone to get her IN DA MOOD. Somehow, she was so sucked into her music that she completely forgot where she was going. Once the song had ended, Kaylee looked up and found herself in a strange alley, she panicked and yelled, "IS ANYONE OUT THERE?" Suddenly, a voice responded to her, dark and mysterious, "Yes, indeed there is. Who are you, my dear?" Kaylee stood shyly, "Oh... m-my name's Kaylee... I got lost on my way home... would you... mind helping me?" she responded, nervously shivering . The voice from the shadows went silent, and Kaylee began to think that there was nothing there, but then she heard it again. "Perhaps... it all depends on how you behave, Kaylee."  Kaylee tilted her head, "What do you mean behave? I'm not going to be here for long, sir, I must get home." The shadow voice laughed, "Oh really? Do you think you'll be able to find your way home from here? In this weather? You have to be stupid to think that!" "I'm not stupid!" Kaylee retaliated immediately. "Stop playing with me already, I just want to go home..." There was silence. The shadows moved as a boy stepped out from them. Kaylee's eyes widened, the boy was short, with fluffy hair and chubby cheeks, she turned red as her thoughts got the best of her: he's so hawt! he's so cute! I can't believe how adorable he is! I NEED TO DATE HIM NOWWWW! Kaylee slapped herself, no stop! Oliver stared at her, "Anyways... My name's Oliver, nice to meet you." Kaylee smiled, "We should find a place to sleep I guess, since I clearly won't be leaving  anytime soon." Oliver beckoned her over to him, come sleep beside me, he said. She blushed and walked over to him, lying down on his lap, they fell asleep holding each other as their unknowing attraction for each other began...

Note: Sorry this is short, the next chapter will be longer...

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