Kaylee X Oliver: Chapter 2

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Kaylee awoke that morning to find herself lying across the sleeping Oliver's lap, with her head leaning on his T H I C C  chest (AKA: His man tits). She turned red as he woke up and winked at her, "Good morning, bb." Kaylee continued to stare at him with her black n' soulless eyes. "So... how are ya?" Oliver said awkwardly. Kaylee just continued staring. After about 45 seconds, Ollie spoke again, "Ok, that's enough. Get off me, bish." Kaylee frowned, "BUTT WHYYYYYYYYY." suddenly, MAEVEN yeeted herself out from the darkness and let out her holy yell, "I LIKE MY PIZZA B O N E L E S S." As it echoed throughout the dense walls of the alley, a new figure appeared. "MAEVEN." Kaylee and Ollie looked over just in time to see Kiera Naruto-run into the premises. The Grace came in casually, looked at Oliver, ran to him, and then slapped his a$$. After several minutes of screeching, MAEVEN finally said something that caused everyone to freeze, "oi, lads." They all looked at her, "I don't feel so good, Mr. Stark..." Then a button appeared as Grace & Kiera joined her in T-Pose formation "click to not feel so good..." it said. Kaylee pressed the button as Sicko Mode began to play on full blast, and the three faded away into their T H A N O S  C A R. Oliver and Kaylee sat together in silence as the light from the holy memes began to fade along with their memelords. All of the sudden, Oliver started to cry. NO, MY SENPAI. HOW DARE HE SHED TEARS BESIDE ME! "WoT is wrong, chubby cheeks?" Ollie looked at her, "I... 6ix9ine is... is gone..." He cried a fountain of shit (it's just brown snow, mom) but eventually healed his broken soul as Kaylee played the crab rave over her phone WHICH HAD GOTTEN HER LOST IN THE FIRST PLACE.

A few hours later, Kaylee and Oliver decide to go out, so they go to the local restaurant called "Dr. Phil's Meme House". Once they got inside, they were immediately shoved at a table by and unknown person and they got there food a second after mentioning what they wanted. Al was well for about an hour, then all of the sudden, Jooosh ran over to them, slammed his fist on the table and started screaming unintelligible words for approximately four seconds before MAEVEN came up from behind him and tackled him while Grace followed behind yelling, "ASIAN JOOOSH." repeatedly as MAEVEN dragged Jooosh into the darkness. After that, things started turning into a mess, children started default fortnite dancing on the ceiling, sad, lonely men cried at their lonely tables, and all the twitch girls started their tittie streams in the bathroom stalls so that those sad, lonely men could pay them. This was when Oliver and Kaylee decided they were finished and they got up to leave.

Note: Hope you liked it! All of these things that are said in this series are inside jokes and are not meant in a mean way or anything along those lines, so please don't be offended!  New part will be posted either later this evening, or between Thursday & Friday. Thank u       -3-

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