Chapter 3 *UNOFFICIAL*

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Note: Idek wot I'm doing anymore -_- leave me be ppl.                                                                                       Also... link to Crab Rave above because I was listening to it on loop for multiple hours while writing this chapter so... -3-                                                                                

Oliver woke up slowly... only to find that his beloved Kaylee was gone! (Oh noes) He cried for 72 hours straight while listening to his favorite Ricegum distracks in his lonely corner.  Then Kaylee came back and he attempted to kiss her but she kicked him and yelled at him while MAEVEN and Kiera screeched "ACK" while default fortnite dancing until they all exploded and died as crabs shuffled on in and started raving  and devouring our souls. They all died :)

P.S. fuck you @SHAGGYSWAFFLE I'm not making this fucking romantic, you little bitch.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2019 ⏰

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