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               Castiel walked through the overcrowded hallways of his large high school. He kept his head down and held onto his messenger bag as he sped walked through the people. He was being pushed and shoved from every angle, some accidental, and some on purpose. Those that were accidental were not followed by an apology of any sort. As usual. Cas didn't care though. He just kept walking towards his last class of the day. The last class. This class gave him much relief. Soon, he would be let out of this hell hole. This prison.

          Castiel stroked a piece of his raven black hair out of his face. His hair was never neat. It was always wild and stuck out in many places. He had thick black-rimmed glasses that sat atop his face. Castiel walked into the open door of his English class. He made his way to the back of the classroom and sat down with a huff. He unzipped his messenger bag and took out his binder for the class.

             He kept his head down and began to draw on some spare lined paper he had. Cas heard people walking by him to get to their seats. The classroom was noisy with the before class chatter. Cas never participated, as he knew no one in any of his classes. Castiel was a junior. Throughout freshman year, he had been stepped on and forgotten. It started in middle school after elementary, everyone just... forgot about him. It was okay though in middle school. Sure, he was bullied a bit but most of the time people just left him alone. High school, however, the bullying drastically increased. He almost dropped out.

           As the teacher spoke to get the class to quiet down, a paper ball hit him on the side of the head and plopped down on his desk. He looked up and around to try to find the source of it. He made eye contact with the boy next to him. He was smirking.

           "Open it." He said with his thick Scottish accent.

           Cas hesitantly unwrapped the ball of paper. On it, the older boy had badly drawn a picture of Cas sucking on a penis with the word 'FAG' over it. Cas crumbled it back up with a sigh and stuffed it into his bag to hide it from anyone else's view. The boy chuckled and leaned over to flick him in the side of the head. Cas just ignored him and placed his chin on his arms. He sighed as the boy threw another ball of paper at him.

         Cas turned his head in the opposite direction. His eyes then landed on another boy. He sat slouched in his chair and stared blankly ahead of him, his longish, dirty blonde hair fell perfectly over his forehead. Cas quickly got lost in his own mind looking at him. He was wearing a black and red jacket with its collar up. His name is Dean Winchester. The most popular guy in the entire school, he was more popular than the seniors when he too was a junior. Cas found himself wishing for the easy life that Dean led.

         He was so caught up in his mind, that he didn't notice that Dean's green eye was now looking at him, but his head was still facing forward. Cas kept calm as he snapped back to reality. He pretended to still be zoned out to avoid conflict. He kept staring for a few seconds before moving his gaze to focus on something else. This seemed to work, as Dean looked back ahead.

             The teacher ended up giving them silent work. Cas, as usual, finished before anyone else and started to draw yet again. While he was shading, he ended up getting lost in his own mind once again; and once again, he found himself zoning out on Dean. He wanted the easy life he led. He wanted people to know he existed. He didn't want to be walked over anymore, or bullied. He sighed and turned his attention back to his drawing. He wasn't confident enough, so he just put it in the back of his mind for the rest of the class.

Don't Want To Be Right (Destiel High School AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن