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I hear my mother stumbling in the living room downstairs. Drunk.

"Yes, mom?"

"Hurry because I'm not driving your ass to school!"

This is how my normal morning went. Daily. Mom drunk. Always rushing me and pressing me to do more. I make all A's and I have perfect attendance and she's always too drunk to do anything around the house so I do. Yet never enough.

I walk down the stairs with my book back rested on my shoulder.
Mother scoffs when she sees what I'm wearing.
Black lace covers, faded pink skinny jeans, and a white blouse that hugged my body.
She's always saying how I dress too inappropriately but honestly no matter what I wear she'd say that.

She walks up to me and plays with the ends of my hair with a look of disgust. I have naturally dirty-blonde hair and blue/green eyes and pale skin like my father. She hated it.

She on the other hand has brown hair and brown eyes and tan skin.

Once she lets go I give her a quick kiss on the cheek followed by an "I love you mom" and walk out the door. She thinks I take the bus but I walk. I'm 16 so you'd think I'd have my own car, a license, or a job. But I have none of those things. I've been trying to apply for a job but it's hard considering I don't have a phone or internet and everything is online now.
Mom won't let me use her car. It's hanging on by a thread though.

And as on cue my best friend Micah is behind me in his car. He's gonna say as he always says, "Girl get in the car there's no reason to walk when you have nothing to walk off and a ride waiting."
I smile to myself and roll my eyes, "No thank you Micah. I think I'll walk this time."
"Yeah, this time." He mimics, knowing I won't ever accept a ride. Even in bad weather.

He disappears for a minute then after about 6 minutes I hear his footsteps behind me. He's running. Once he reaches me he's out of breath and I can't help but laugh. He drove back home just to park his car and walk with me. That's Micah though for you. Once he catches his breath I ruffle his dark curls. His darkish skin glistening with sweat.

"Yuh know Micah, you're my favorite."
I can't help but smile as he looks down at me with a 'duh' expression.
He's been my best friend since the 7th grade when I first moved here, Harrison, New Jersey.
Originally being from Wisconsin is a flip so.

"Micah, why're you walking with me when you have a girlfriend to pick up?"

"Oh she's riding with Angela so I figured I'd walk with you since you always refuse to be driven."

Angela is Tori's best friend. Tori is Micah's girlfriend. Angela and I never got along too well and Tori is ok I guess. She makes my best friend happy and that's all that matters.

"It's officially almost the end of Sophomore year!"

"Micah, love, it's only March."

"Yeah so? Better than August."

See now this is true. I happen to dislike this school so the less time I have to be in it, the better.

Micah is a Junior though. Which means he'll be a Senior next year and I'm not ready to roam the halls and streets without him considering he plans on enlisting in the Air Force once he graduates.

I'll miss him and I'll be scared for him. Not as scared as he will be though I'm sure.

Once we reach the school Micah gets swarmed with his girlfriend and his buddies. I don't know many of them but I do know Liam Payne and Jeffry Locke.
Never exactly talked to them but Liam doesn't seem too bad.

After I squeeze through and hug Micah bye, I head towards my first class which happens to be English.
English may be my favorite subject along with science but it's too early for this. Definitely should have picked my schedule wisely.

"Lysithea Elara Callisto!"
Oh yeah that's my name by the way. Yeah it's three of Jupiter's moons but if you knew my father you'd understand.

I turn around to see Meghan Lynn. She's a friend of mine. Not that close but close enough.

"You need to eat girl. You're looking thinner and thinner the more I see you." She's not wrong though. I used to be obese and now I'm unhealthy skinny. Only because I don't eat and I walk everywhere.
I try to eat. I guess. I just can't.

"I really don't wanna be here" She sighs after walking past her ex, Zayn.
"No one does." I say looking at the ground. Which is what I usually do. I don't like looking up. I don't like myself in anyway and I don't really like being around other people so I try to stay hidden.
Not such a difficult task when you're already invisible to the world.

I actually don't hate school. I enjoy it... for the most part.  Just don't like drama.
Again , stay hidden.

"You know you always seem lost in thought over there Ly."

"'Cause I am." I split away from Meghan and walk into class.

I sit in my usual seat, which is unfortunately the front because I can't see and can't afford glasses. Also don't have insurance but that's fine.

"Hey, Lysithea!" Niall, the guy who sits next to me in all the classes I have with him, smiles brightly.

"Hey Niall, how're you doing?" I smile back.

"I'm fantastic actually, you?"

"I'm grand." I agree and sit next to him.
He's openly stated he likes me more than a friend. Since I first moved here. He's an amazing guy, which is why I don't wanna be with him. By that I mean I don't wanna ruin his life and our friendship. He seems to understand and respect that.

About twenty minutes into class when Mrs. Lavery is writing Works of Shakespeare on the board, there's a knock on the door and then enters the vice principal and a some guy. Some new guy.

I take one glance at him, then go back to taking notes, then snap my head back to him.
He's unbelievably attractive on the outside.
Curly brunette hair, green eyes, and perfect teeth and lips. And if I saw correctly, from the nervous smile he gave the teacher, he has dimples. A gift from God.

"Class this is, Harold-"
Harold quickly cuts off the vice principal, Mr. Augustus, "Harry."

"Oh right. My apologies. This is Harry Styles. He just moved here from England."

"Wow how nice. Pretty far away though. I'm sorry. I do hope you enjoy being here in America though. You can go take a seat next to that girl, Lysithea, in the empty desk." Mrs. Lavery says with a smile, motioning to the desk to my right.

He gives a small smile and nod. After he sits next to me I realize I haven't looked away, or even blinked really, since he came through the door.
Shaking my head to myself for being weird, I go back to trying to focus on my notes.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I slowly and hesitantly look to my right to be greeted with Green eyes.

"Hi, I'm Harry."

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