"I love you"

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Yoongi's P.O.V
My phone wouldn't stop beeping so I muted the notifications even thought I know damn well the guys are probably going to ask me something dumb about (y/n) and I just don't know even if I did have a crush on her I've never met her and I still know nothing about her and that's kinda gross if you think about it just then (y/n) texted me well the groupchat the one thing that I forgot to mute


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Sweg.Suga: you're right, shit I thought I deleted all that 😔✊
BtsJazmin: ha dumb fuck
I shut my phone off blushing uncontrollably she said I love you and even though she was most likely joking I still felt like it was true so I turned my phone back on and typed out
Sweg.Suga: it's fine I love you too
And with that I pressed send that's when Hoseok came down and said "Yo Yoongi we're going to go practice you coming or not we've been texting you but nooo you're "better" than all of us so you think you don't have to respond to us"
I got annoyed and just said "I'm coming Shut up man"
"Okay come on" Hoseok said
We made it to the practice room Namjoon broke something and Jin was scolding him while Taehyung and Junkook were messing around in rolling chairs and Jimin was just laughing at them while he approached me, put his arm around my shoulder, and said "hey look who showed up rock boy" and as soon as he said that all eyes were on me and with that Hoseok just said "let's get started"
"Yeahh!!" They all said excited well everyone except me I just wanted to get it over with
"We're going to be practicing Danger even though we have it pretty much perfect" Hoseok said proudly
The music started but I zoned out still doing the dance although it felt like I couldn't hear the music my ears were ringing and I just didn't want to be here at all right now so while they were dancing I just snuck out of there and hopped on my phone going into private messages with just Jazmin
Sweg.Suga: Hey, Jaz I just snuck out of dance practice how are you?
BtsJazmin;) : I'm good :)
Random small talk just kept going back and forth when I felt my heart beating feeling like it was going to explode
Jazmin's POV
I saw Yoongi texting me so I responded instantly just exited that I was going to see him tomorrow surprisingly it's pretty iconic that it's on Valentine's Day not that I like him or anything... who am I kidding I definitely do anyway I decided to text Abby and say "guess who's leaving the country tomorrow"
RadAb: "wait you?!?"
Me: "Yep"
Me: "Can't say but you'll see soon enough"
RadAb: " you better not be meeting bts without me!"
Me: "I thought you hate them?"
RadAb: "yeah I used to now I love them"
Me: "well I gotta go byeee"
RadAb: "BYE BBY 💕"
That's what me and Abby did call each other baby even though we aren't dating we have a platonic love and she's my best friend so of course I love her anyway time to pack and get ready to leave tomorrow it's really late here about 1:30am so I probably should've went to sleep sooner ugh I'm really dumb
Yoongi's POV
Sweg.Suga: (y/n)?
Sweg.Suga: hellooooo
Sweg.Suga: YOOOOOO
Sweg.Suga: I'm so sorry I forgot about the time difference
I put down my phone and realized that she'll be here in a few hours and I'm freaking out I feel like I might get sick or just do something dumb infront of her If only I could be cool if only I could more than survive haha sorry but like I can't help it I'm a theater nerd at heart

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