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Dresses have never been my strong suit
Or my forte rather
I wore them once
Once upon a time when I was younger
I wore them once for a formal
I had a breakdown
I said I couldn't do it
I couldn't wear that stupid blue and purple dress
Everyone loved it but not me
I was trapped
So trapped inside
Every part of me wanted to burn alive
But there I was
In the middle of all seeing eyes
All people watching as they came by
They complimented me!
They complimented me when I could only despise myself
A part of me grew angry
I should have loved it
The attention I never received right there in my hand
But I didn't want it
I wished to curl up
Curl up in a suit and tie
But here I was in a dress
Of course dresses were never my forte like I said
I stick with ties now
A part of me doesn't like it
Cause I can't even imagine what people would think
What a weird girl
Dressed in this tie
You can see
You can see her chest!
How odd
How despicable
Yet that's the only thing I feel comfortable in
At least for formals
You can't dress in jeans and hoodie
Or jeans and T-shirt
You can only dress in formal wear
And hell knows I'm not getting in a dress
But you can only guess

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