A Heroes Journey*

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This came out when I was in high school thought it fitting to add that and David Bowie's Heroes.

The next morning Tomura had a call from his Sensei the monitor springing to life. Miraculously Tomura didn't have a hangover. 

"Hello, Tomura. How are things going with your plans?" AFO asked of his pupil.

Tomura had his hoodie on the hood tugged over his face along with strands of blue hair peeking out. "Well, Sensei my plans are going well..." Tomura muttered.

AFO then said "Tomura, could you please show me your face." 

Tomura grimaced a moment not wanting to reveal his eyes but he was his Sensei after all and Tomura tended to be amenable to his requests.

He tugged his hood down revealing a disheveled head of angel blue locks, red blood shot eyes (as if he had been crying), and a demented grin on his face. "You were right Sensei. All along your were right." Tomura said teeth on full display.

"Oh?" AFO asked curious as to what his pupil had come to realize. "And what would that be, Tomura?"

"Personal relationships, having friends are a waste of time and distract me from my end game. From now on I am focusing on to my mission. I want my dream to become a reality, Sensei."

AFO smiled widely evil satisfaction flowing through him, his plan was still going according to plan.

"That is a wise decision you have made. Better to not let people stand in the way of your dream. People have their uses just that in mind but it is for the best not to get emotionally attached." AFO said sagely.

"Yes, Sensei." Tomura said. Even though he felt as though his heart was breaking all over again.

Shigaraki and Midoriya then went on their separate ways after that night, it would be months till the two would cross paths again. Shigaraki dove into his training even deeper becoming leader of the League of Villains. As All For One had been slowly withdrawing from his pupil over the years only communicating via cellphone or skype in preparations for his ultimate plans for his heir. Shigaraki established an evil villains hideout in a former dive bar in the bad part of town. Where Kurogiri ambitiously took over as bartender. He also busied himself developing his ultimate plans in eliminating All Might and destroying the hero association.

New recruits to his league came in to join the league: Dabi a mysterious twenty something who was covered in purple scars and surgical staples, black hair, who had the quirk cremation. Who emitted blue flames that were as equally blue as his eyes from his body. Also, Toga Himiko a psychotic school girl with an obsession for knives and blood. Though he wanted to kill them at first and the feeling was mutual they maintained an uneasy alliance with lots of insulting, mocking, and getting on each others last nerve. But really they were all beginning to bond over time. 

Only problem was many of his new members were followers of Hero Killer Stain who didn't exactly get along with Shigaraki (and he had the scars to prove it) and Shigaraki didn't get along with Stain.

This included another one of his new recruits an anthropomorphic mutant who was a gecko named Shuichi Iguchi but went by the nickname Spinner. He was a hikikomori who had similar tastes in video games Tomura soon discovered. Kenji Hikiishi who went by Magne she had a magnetic quirk. Atsuhiro Sako, a former stage magician who had to turn to villainy after an illusion went wrong. Muscular who wasn't very bright but had a muscle quirk and signed up mainly so he could get in fights. Mustard an adolescent boy who was the youngest member in the league as his costume consisted of his junior high uniform and a gas mask. He had a toxic gas quirk. And finally Moonfish who was a homicidal maniac (well more so then the rest of the weak) on death row and he was a cannibal, which was how he disposed of his victims.

And Only Shadows Will Comfort Me Shigaraki x Fem Izuku (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now