Just Call*

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Previously after Midoriya woke up earlier.

Midoriya was in apart of the hideout that Shigaraki said would be fine to place a phone call without being overheard or traced. She knew her mother was worried sick about her and she felt the guilt growing. She hated to upset her mother yet that seemed to be all she ever did. She listened to the ringtone until the click of pickup.

She heard her mother say "Hello?"

Midoriya drew in a breath and replied "Mom, it's me Izuku. I-I'm sorry I ran away from school and didn't tell you anything."

"Oh, thank God. Izuku honey where are you? I've been worried sick ever since the school called. I've been talking with the police and All Might." Inko said started to tear up.

"Mom, I'm ok, I'm with...friends?" Midoriya thought deciding best not to tell her mother who she was with. "I was hurt for awhile so I couldn't call you sooner."

"That's fine sweetie. Just...Where are you? I can come and meet you right now I'll call a cab." She heard her mother say excited.

Midoriya sighed she couldn't leave not now, not yet. She knew it would hurt her mother but she felt she was needed here more. "Mom, remember how I wanted to be a hero? Well, their is someone or someone's who needs my help right now. I-I have to help them so I can't come home yet."

"Oh, Izuku come home if this person really needs help bring them with you. I'm sure we can find a way to help them." her mother pleaded on the phone.

Midoriya thought to herself of introducing her mother to Tomura and a fantasy happened in her head. 'Hi, mom this is my good friend Tomura Shigaraki he's the leader to the league of villains but don't worry about it.' Yeah, that would go over well. As she thought of worst case scenarios happening.

"I-I'm sorry mom I need to stay and I can't tell you where I am but I am still in the city and I am safe." 'For now' Midoriya thought morbidly.

She could hear her mother on the other end and she knew she was crying. "Izuku I'm not mad at you. You aren't in trouble you can come home it's alright. I've spoken with Katsuki's mother and she's spoken with him."

"I promise I will call Mom. It's...things are complicated right now." Izuku said staring around at her setting.

"Oh, Izuku promise me you'll be safe and come home soon." She heard her mother beg.

A few tears slipped through her eyes. "Mom I'm really sorry. I-I don't mean for these things to happen they just..." at a loss for words. "As soon as I am finished I will come home. Goodbye Mom. I'll call you."

Izuku broke down in tears she felt awful for putting her mother through this and lying to her felt even worse. Her mother was such a kind and understanding soul.

After, that Izuku made a mental note call her mother every few days so she would know she was safe.

The next person she needed to call would probably be harder to convince. When she had a chance. She breathed in a deep breath and dialed the number.

"Hello, I am here. On the phone." replied the enthusiastic voice of All Might.

"Hi, All Might it's me Izuku. I'm just calling to let you know I am safe and I am with friends." Midoriya told Her mentor over the phone. She felt anxious gripping the phone and her palm began sweating.

"Young Midoriya your mother has been absolutely worried sick about you. Not to mention all of Your teachers, classmates, friends, and I have been worried sick about you. Where have you been all this time?" All Might asked.

And Only Shadows Will Comfort Me Shigaraki x Fem Izuku (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now