His Nickname/s For You

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Rei: Babe, Baby, or Cutie He'll call you by your middle name when he's mad at you though 

Makoto: Cutie or sweetheart but he'll call you by your last name when he's upset with you 

Kisumi: He usually just calls you baby or honey but when he's upset with you he'll call you by your full name 

Momo: He calls you baby, babe, cutie, sexy, hottie really just anything to flirt with you he usually doesn't get upset with you like ever 

Sousuke: He calls you Sexy and baby and just straight up ignore you if he's mad at you to keep from yelling at you or getting even more mad at you

Rin: He calls you love and baby but if he's mad at you he'll call you by your full name 

Haruka: He calls you babe, baby, and beautiful and if he's mad at you he'll just ignore you in fear of upsetting you as well

Nagisa: He calls you cutie, and candy girl because you love sweets he never gets upset with you and if he does it's rare

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