Your Nickname/s For Him

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Rei: Baby, Nerd(only to tease him) butterfly boy and if you're mad at him you call him by his last name 

Makoto: Honey, Babe, and love and if you're mad at him you call him by his last name and he hates it 

Kisumi: Cutie, hottie, and baby and when you're mad at him you'll ignore because you know it makes him mad

Momo: Babe, Baby, Buggie(because he loves bugs) when you're annoyed with him you'll call him by his full first name 

Sousuke: Baby, bad boy, and sometimes you'll call him lover boy just to get him angry because he doesn't like it 

Rin: Babe, Sharkie, sexy, and when you're mad at him you'll call him by his last name and he hates it 

Haruka: Love, Baby and occasionally water boy just to piss him off a little 

Nagisa: Cutie, Baby, Honey you never get mad at him because you just find everything he does adorable


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