Chapter 1

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Daphnie's Pov



I swiftly banged my hand on my alarm clock to shut the stupid thing up. I mean seriously, it's an awful sound, i should get a new alarm clock.

I started to get up out of my big California king bed, the silky sheets beckon me to just go back and snuggle, but it's the first day of school, and today, we have a new boy.

He moved in to a house down the street a few days ago, but i never got to see him since I was shopping for school like 24/7. But i don't really care because I will see him today at school, we may even have some classes together, and that is a good thing because everyone of the popular girls have been texting me bout how hot he is. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE AND MEET HIM!!!

He moved from Florda and will apparently will be on the basketball team, so he will come and join the popular group! I mean the basketball team contains the most popular boys. You see the basketball players are the hottest of the boys. You also have footballers and soccer player and tennis player and swimmers, but they aren't as sexy as the basketball players.

Me, my best friend Rhythm and our four other closest friends are the most popular girls at the school. The six of us have been best friends since we were about 8 or 9 years old. We are always together, but we have about 14 other girls who are friends with us. Don't get me wrong, we aren't bitches. We all have different personalities, and each of us has one who is the bestest of best friends. Mine is Rhythm. We are inseparable except that she takes drama class while i take choir as my performing art class. ----

"You  aren't even dressed yet!!!!!!" Rhythm, my bestest of best friends, yelled at me, while i just shrieked and jumped from getting scared shittless from her. Kat, Bianca, Savanna (aka Savy), Courtney (or Court as we call her) and I call Rhythm, Rhyth.

"Holy shit, Rhyth, you scared me shitless, you know that, btw's i picked out  my outfit and was waiting for you to approve it before i put it on... duhh" i said while rolling my eyes.

"That is bull, girl come on" she said while laughing

I cracked a smile, "Okay, my dearest lover, i will be five more minuted then we can do our make up"

"Fine, you do that and call me when you are dressed, i shall be down stairs raiding your fridge!"

"Fine" i laughed loudly,

Rhythm eats everything in sight and because she is on the JV soccer team, she is never getting fat! I am not jocking when i say she is thin!!! She is thin and tall, unlike me, I am shortish and curvy, but i am skinny! I usually wear wedges to be the same height as my friends. I try to wear skirts that make my legs look longer too. 

Rhythm has dark brown/black hair and is Indian, so her skin is dark but tanned by the Southern Californian sun. She is stick thin but majorly gorgeous with her long athletic legs! She has the body of an athlete, while I on the other hand can't run a mile to save my life. I am skinny, whitish with a bit of a tan, with blond hair and light blue eyes. I am not an athlete, i am defiantly NOT a runner, i am more of a yoga kind of girl. I use to play volleyball, but now I'm head cheerleader! Because I am so suckish at all things sports, i spent my time becoming more flexible through yoga! Rhythm and I have completely different body types. Because of her athletic body she has like an a-cup and a small butt, so most guys are attracted to her legs, which she is smart enough to know to play up. I, on the other had, am a c-cup with a booty licious butt, short legs, but a skinny yet curvy body figure. Rhythm likes her hair shoulder length, while my natural blonde hair goes to my breast. So, we look like exact opposites

Hey, Mr. Player, weren't we best friends?Where stories live. Discover now