Chapter 2

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Chase's Pov

I woke up 20 minutes before my alarm clock was set to wake me. I'm just too excited.

It has been a few days since I moved back here. I was hoping to see Daph before school, but I haven't seen her yet. I have missed her so much, i always have her on my mind, every morning she is my first thought, and she has always been the last thing on my mind before i go to sleep. I loved her since the first day i saw her, when we were 3 years old. Ever since that day we were inseparable. But, sadly my family had us move from California to Florida But i am back now and i will win Daph back, it shouldn't be too hard, i am irresistible, plus we were in love as children!

I just hope that she hasn't forgotten me and moved on to a different guy.

I admit, when I turned about 11, i began to become a player and a heart breaker. By the age of 14, i was already sleeping around. it was only because I wanted to get rid of my love for her. I thought the more people I would sleep with, the less i would think of her. I haven't even been in a serious relationship; only had a quick f*ck every few days with different girls i don't even remember. Honestly, It only started out every month or so, but the thoughts of  Daph just intensified. The want for her just intensified. I only wanted her. I still only want her.

And since i am back, i will get her! No matter what!

After i showered and got dressed, i ran downstairs, i was sad to say that i was basically jumping with joy!!

I stood outside of the kitchen door regaining my cool for a few seconds, then i walked into the kitchen to grab some breakfast.

My mom was sitting at the table on her blackberry, probably doing work related things, like usual. I heard some ruckus coming from upstairs, i guessed it was my father getting ready. Did i mention they are both famous lawyers? well, they are. Not that i care.

I looked at my mother. Her black knee black skirt and business suit blazer were plain, but sophisticated. She paired it with a yellow blouse and some glasses that she says make her "look smarter." I think it's stupid since she has 20/20 vision. She has some ugly ass pointy black devil shoes. they have these fat short heels to them that look awkward and creepy to me. 

"Well, aren't you looking good for your first day, honey" My mother cooed like i was a child. she has a tendency to do that.

"Oh for fucks sake ma! I am not five!" I mutter under my breath

"What was that?!?!" my mother sent daggers towards me and put up her cold lawyer front, freaking me out in the process.

"Nothing Ma. You look great today, new case?" i asked trying to get her to stop sending me icy looks

and i succeeded

"Yupp," my mother said sweetly, "And i'm going to crush the bastards that think they could ever win against ME!!!" my mother can get... evil when she talks about her buisness. But hey, that's how she became the best!

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