Chapter 1

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Eden POV:

Flashes of pain and blood were all I could see, then, there were flashes of a white light, the warmth from the light settling into me and making me feel safe despite the situation. Something was happening. After the light reached me, there was darkness. Not normal night-time darkness. A darkness so deep it cut into the very fabric of my being.

The breath that suddenly came to me was foreign and had me choking on the dry air. How long had I been here? Realising very quickly I was in my grave I began to dig. Dad had taught us for hours on end how to do this. Remain calm, focussed and limit your breathing. At most I had half an hour.

Realising with some small sense of joy I was in a cheap wooden coffin, I felt around for any weak points in the wood. Locating it, I kicked it with all my strength allowing the dry earth to surround me. Thankfully it wasn't wet allowing me easier movement and ensuring I could block my nose and mouth from the onslaught. Grabbing one of the panes of wood, I started to manoeuvre my way out of my grave.

Finally, I felt my hand breach the surface as the warm sun hit my cold skin. Pulling myself all the way through, I gasped gratefully as I collapsed on the solid ground. Turning onto my back I looked up to the sky then at my surroundings.

Which stopped me in my tracks. There must have been trees surrounding my makeshift grave but as things were now, they were fallen all around me in the perfect circle. Realising quickly, I had to cut my celebration short and find my brothers I began finding my way to a main road.


After a few hours of trekking through the heat-soaked land, I managed to find an old dirt track that at least held the promise of civilisation. Finally, through the haze that came with the unbearable heat, I saw a gas station in the distance sighing in relief.

Making my way to the door, I saw the closed sign and my heart sank. After banging in the door frantically it was clear there was no one around. Realising what my next option was, I took off my shirt rolled it around my dirty hands and smashed the window open so I could get in. running over to the fridge I downed three bottles of water, not realising how dry my throat was until I had drunk.

Looking around, I saw a newspaper on the stand and saw the date, finally. Four months. Id been in the pit for four months.

Making my next stop at the grimy sink in the even worse bathroom, I finally washed the dirt from my face, revelling in the feeling of the cool water on my too hot skin. Eventually, I glanced up and looked at my reflection. Frowning as I realised that there should be tears in my shirt. I was ripped apart. Lifting my shirt to look at my abdomen, it was blank. None of my other scars visible. In fact thinking about it, none of the scars or marks id accumulated for years on hunts littered my body any longer. As I moved, I realised there was a pain on my left shoulder.

As I pulled up the sleeve slowly, I saw it. A hand-print burned into my otherwise unmarred flesh.

Deciding to put that on the back-burner, I walked back into the main building grabbing snacks and energy bars as I wasn't sure how long it'd be before I returned to my brothers. Throwing more water into the bag, I stopped by the magazine stand glancing over its contents, I found it. Deans favourite. Busty Asian Beauties- I figured I'd be needing a peace offering to convince him it was really me and not some demon that had crawled out of the pit.

Smiling happily with my plan I leaned over the counter pressing a button on the register feeling satisfaction when it pinged open and I set to my task. Before I got too far however, the tv next to the counter began flickering with static. Shutting it off, the radio began playing white noise.

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