Every Great Artist Started Off With Some Pain

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The Painful Truths

Late in the afternoon Mai, a 14 almost 15 year old girl, was trying to face the fact of her whole world was coming down on her. Not little by little instead, landslide after landslide were just crushing this poor little soul that needed rest.


Her 'father' was yelling relentlessly as the tears ran down her face non-stop.

Her knees weak,voice trembling, as she tried to defend herself for the man she was trying to get away from.

"LEAVE ME ALONE.THIS IS MY CHOICE NOT YOURS NOR IS IT.!" her hands balled into fists wanting to punch him-the very source of the last 5 years of pain-as she stood there watching her brother step in wanting to help her talk to his father, no matter what his older sister said he wanted to try to help.

" SHE HAS HER REASONS NOW LEAVE HER ALONE!" Michel screamed in reply to the situation trying not to cry or let his big sister see him upset. The fighting went on for what felt like hours to Mai but was really more like half a hour. She ran down the hall to her white walled room shutting the door behind her crying heavily. Her salty tears rolled down her face as she starts coughing violently feeling as if she could throw up at any given moment. Her whole life has been through a ringer far to many times, so many she has lost count. Laying in her bed all she can think is ' why do I stay here I only get hurt more and more. All they know how to do is be rude to me and treat me like i'm the family slave. Mai do this Mai do that. '

The night is the only time she can be happy all alone the darkness engulfing her. Time after time the only comfort she has is her own voice or the small sounds from the outside world. Rain falls softly upon the roof emitting the claiming 'pitter patter ' she has come to love. The dimly lit room is filled with the sounds of rain coughing and tears. She just lays still under the blanket for hours that feels like minutes . The night falls once more she slow closes her eyes and lets the night sweep her away.

The morning light comes in the window slowly waking her up singing her that she now has to get up and go back to school and be made fun of some more. The only reason she's willing to get up is her best friend Ceil. he was named after two things one , the french world for sky, and her favorite anime boy. The french meaning of his name served his eyes right. His sky blue eyes only drew her in more. No matter how many times she tried to tell him she has been infatuated with him she can't her tongue just wouldn't let her. The same pattern every day: wake up, get dressed, walk to the high school, be with Ceil the rest of the day, go home, want to just live with her mother.

"Good morning Mai" Ceil called from behind

"Oh, good morning Ceil" she spoke smiling

He looked at her with worry '' Have an other rough night?" He always seemed to know what was going on in her life and how to make it better.

"Yeah you always know don't you" she looked at him warmly

"I think i've told you this before but every great artist started off with some pain."he enjoyed saying that due to his late father who told him that before his passing.

"Yes you have and so did dad."

Ceil's late father was more of a father to her then Joseph was ever. So she has always called him dad.

Ceil wrapped his arm around Mai causing her to turn red. "Come on let's go to class"

short but its a start  xoxo Miranda

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