Chapter 5

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Citlaly's POV

I am already home now, I get out of work at 7:00pm but I get home till 7:20 because I have to wait in line to get my car inside the parking lot from the building. And as much as I love this place I hate to waste time trying to get my car inside, I am still happy because you can just drive out of the parking lot thought, you just can't get in if you don't have your pass.

As I rolled down my window I see Jimin, he is one of the security guys here and he is pretty nice. But he doesn't work here I wonder what happened with Henry they man that is always here checking the passes.

"Hey Jimin, what are you doing here?" I say giving him my pass through the small window.

"Well Henry asked me to cover him for a few hours apparently he is taking his family for a movie night because he hasn't been spending time with them enough" he said with a smile while pressing in numbers and checking my pass so that I could go in.

"Oh cool, well see you later then" I said as I got my pass back from him and drove away to let the other residents go through, I could still see him waving goodbye through the glass.

I guess Henry was really taking time for his family now, i bet his wife wanted that to happen sooner thought. During his breaks i could see him bickering with his wife in the phone. I just hope everything goes well for him, he is always been a nice person just like Jimin and Hoseok. You may think i am biased but they are the nicest security out there, out of all the other members of security they were the most experienced, humble, caring, professional, and considerate.

"Hey Boobun what are you doing girl?" i said walking into the corridor and hanging my jacket and keys .

Boobun runs to me as fast as her small legs can carry her, and tripping every time she leaps to go faster. Boobun is my dog, have had her sense she was a pup.

(Just wanted you guys to have an idea of what she looks like)

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(Just wanted you guys to have an idea of what she looks like)

I had always wanted a pup, but due to my parents and their mindset about having a dog inside it was impossible. After I moved out of the house i just had to get one, and it so happed to be my favorite kind. Now I have lived with this baby for 3 whole years and I still find her the cutest thing ever.

"Do you want a treat?" I sit down in the floor stroking her pretty and soft fur. "Come on then let's grab a snack"

I have admit I love my dog, we eat at the same time, we also sleep together, well now we do at first we couldn't because she would do her business in my bed so I had to train her really well.

After our usual routine we both fall asleep early. And I say early because we usually sleep till 2 in the morning or even later.

I groan, it's so bad to leave my bed every morning. I just wish my vacations would last longer to sleep in everyday. But my boss got to be a demanding man and make us work almost all year long with only a day to rest from the whole week.

Now don't get me wrong I love my job, well...most of it. But I hate waking up early, it's like sleep torture. And i love sleeping way too much, no one can deny me sleep or they will meet my worst side.

After taking a warm shower and putting on some presentable clothes I walk into the kitchen to grab breakfast. And no I do not eat a fruit for breakfast like most girls, I eat two bowls of cereal with absolutely no shame. I may not enjoy many things in life but I just love food, the taste, the smell, the texture, its just all magical.  Two bowls later I was ready, I grabbed my purse and keys from the living room and made my way to the door.

"Hurry Boobun we need you to do your business before I go to work" Everyday I have to get him to poop outside, usually my neighbor can come in here and do it around 2:00 pm right before she needs it, but I have to do it in the morning.

My neighbor is a 30 year old woman with her two children, her oldest daughter is the one that usually helps me. Her name is Emily and she loves Boobun, she even has a key to my apartment just for emergencies. Even thought I insist in paying her every time she babysits Boobun she is always quick to refuse and usually tells me she enjoys doing it and doesn't see it as a job at all, which honestly just seems amazing because if there is business trips I have to attend I can always count on her.

After I took Boobun back inside and picked up all my paperwork from the kitchen table bag and keys I was ready to go. As usual i leave money on the counter in case there is something that Boobun needs and she doesn't have to buy it with her own money. Most of the time its just for emergencies because i know anything can happen while i am away, and i work most of the day so its hard for me to come running anytime Boobun decides he wants to visit the doctor. 

As i get on my car i start so imagine my day in the office and decide to go get some coffee from a shop close by, now don't get me wrong i love Starbucks and McDonalds but this shop its definitely the best, they have so many options and their coffee  always has the power to wake me up even in the most boring days. I do drink coffee from the cafeteria in the company but sometimes it does get absolutely boring. 

After getting two to go cups of my favorite coffee i head to the company while listening to the weather forecast in the radio.  Its supposed to rain this afternoon but by that time i will be in my apartment already so doesn't matter, still kinda feel bad for the people that have to ride the subway or bus home because that takes forever to get you where you want to go and trust me i would know that. All the years i was in college i had to ride them all the time and i hated it most of the time except for the fact that i could sleep and i didn't have to deal with traffic then. 

As i pulled up to the parking lot i noticed Jungkook was trying to balance a bunch of papers on top of a box while trying to close his car door. After watching him struggle for a whole minute i decided to help him, i mean it wouldn't hurt to be friendly with him because after all we were going to share the office for a while. So i got down and walked up to him trying not to laugh at all the things he was doing with his hands.

"Hey there, do you like......need any help?" i asked trying to to scare him and make a mess all over the parking lot. 

"Oh hey Citlaly, yeah can you help me with the papers on the top and close the door please" he said struggling to hold everything together. 

"Yeah sure" i whispered

i grabbed the bunch of papers from his hands and bended down a little to close the door, now what i did not expect at all was what i saw in the backseat of the car.  There lying in the middle seat was a pink set of women underwear with an used condom in the seat to the right. I was trying hard not to judge but it was hard looking him in the eye the whole way up the elevator and into the office.  


So..... i kinda left this story but because we are on quarantine and i am sure everyone is bored i will try to also finish this story. 

I hope you guys like this chapter. Also you guys may comment on what you all think and have fun reading. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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