The plane ride

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Narla POV
I was in the airport about to get onto the plane to go to Australia. I had always wanted to live in Australia but It was never possible except from is the day I move to Australia for a new start and a new chapter to my life I was going to try and become a lifeguard at bondi beach.

I said goodbye to my sister and my best friend after that I soon couldn't turn back I stepped onto the plane and found my seat and sat down wow Australia here I come.

On the plane I was sat next to this guy who had fallen asleep and was laying on my shoulder I decided to leave him where he was as maybe he just needed a sleep. The food tray had came past so I decided to wake him up five mins afterwards.

Harrison's POV
I was on the plane back to Australia with maxi, Jesse and chappo. We had spent a week in London teaching kids how to be safe at the beach It was amazing. I was sat behind a lovely girl but Jesse got the seat next to her and he was making a fool of himself sleeping on her shoulder.

Jesse POV
I was woke by someone waking me up I jolted up and apologied for sleeping on her shoulder I staired at her she was a beautiful young girl who has blue sparking eyes long blond hair and quit slim and tall. I was interrupted by someone behind me kicking my chair ofc it was maxi he was jealous I was sitting next to her.

Narla POV
I sat there stairing back at him until he was interrupted I quickly changed subject and induced myself hey I'm narla. I'm really sorry for disturbing your sleep I didn't mean too it's just the food had came round but I guessed what u liked and got u chicken nuggets and a coke. He thanked me and fell asleep afterwards and laied back onto my shoulder.

Jesse POV
Wow she was gorgeous she orderd me food I ate everything and I fell asleep and laid back onto her shoulder

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