The question

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Jesse POV
I really like narla but maxi and chappo went to her house to see if she was ok but they did not return back to the lifeguard tower so after work I was going to go and see if she was ok and ask her out on a date I know it's quick but maxi always get the girls I never do.

Maxi POV
I really liked narla really did and I know a lot about her so here goes everything. Narla I was wandering if u wanted to go out for dinner tonight and then a movie like a date I really like u and I can't stand not telling u. I quickly looked at her for an answer she kissed my lips softly.

Narla POV
What the actual heck omg the maxi asked me out on a date wow I thought about it and kissed him that answers it doesn't it maxi. I am so happy for once I really wished my mum and dad could see me happy again. I was so excited I texted Jesse.
Dear Jesse,
OMG maxi asked me out on a date I said yes obviously I'm so excited. I thought I would tell u cause your one of my best mates.

Jesse POV
I got a text message I started to get angry and punched a wall. Shit why does he always gets the girls mouse came in after hearing me punch the wall.

Mouse POV
I was going to get the flags to put them out as it was the start of the day and it was me and Jesse down at the beach when I heard a bang I ran back up and saw Jesse looking angry. What's up mate talk to me. I said really calmly
That idiot maxi asked out the girl I
Liked i always get no one when he gets all the girls it's un fair.
Mate there's others what u need to do is get a hotter chick.

Jesse POV
Mouse your right but I realised after that my fist started to hurt. Shit I looked down and it looked bruised.

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