Chapter 3 Really?!?

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Sorry for being so long I had a hard time coming up with some ideas so please don't hate me for that.


Standing in the doorway was a zombie I knew well.

"Hey Gary," I said.

"Hey! I haven't seen you in forever! How's it going?" asked Gary.

"Well everything has been going well. How 'bout you?" I asked.

"I'm doing good. You remember that bet that I made with the Wither?" asked Gary

"Yeah the one that if that if I could get Steve to come here with no problem, I said.

"Yeah! That's the one! Now the Wither has to live in the end for a whole week," laughed Gary.

Wait. What are you two talking about?" asked Steve.


What will they say to him? Will they tell him something that he won't like to hear or was Herobrine right about Notch wanting to see him? Guess in the comments! Tell me what you think will happen to poor Steve. And I apologize for such a short chapter.

Anyways, see you all again soon, and keep on crafting my little kittens. :P - Kittencrafter15

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