Chapter 14 • What do we do about Lillith?

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"I'm sorryyyyyyyyy." Travis whined.

"Go away." I grumbled.

It had been three hours since Travis scared me, I was tired and Travis, well Travis was being annoying so Travis was being Travis.

"But I said I'm sorry." Travis said.

I groaned.

"Just shut up and go away already! I'm tired!" I whined.

We were now in the basement and I took off my shirt, because I had the crop top under neath. I saw Travis go to touch my guitar and I slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch my guitar. Ever." I said.

Travis took a step back and I sighed.

"Can you play the guitar?" Travis asked.

"Yes ya dingus. Why else would I have one?" I answered.

"Did she know how to?" Travis asked.

"She knew how to play one note, we called it our special note." I answered.

I grabbed the guitar and sat on the bed. I played a few notes and sighed. I put the guitar back and got into bed.

"I really am sorry, Lillith." Travis said.

"Aph!" I yelled.

Aph came running downstairs and dragged Travis away so I could FiNaLlY get some sleep.

"APH TO THE RESCUE!" Aph yelled.

Aph tackled Travis and dragged him away. I turned off my lamp just for my phone to ring. I looked at it to see it was an unknown number. I answered.

"Yello?" I said.

"Is this Lillith Lycan slash Garnett?" A lady asked.

"This is she." I answered.

"Good. Mr Cooper wants to take you to dinner tomorrow night and was wondering if your schedule is cleared." The lady said.

I sighed.

"Tell him the next few weeks I'm going to be busy planning a funeral and hen for the rest of my life I'll be busy with my boyfriend. Yeah my schedule is pretty tight for the rest of my life." I said.

I heard scribbling, as if she was writing it down.

"Ok Miss Garnett. I'll let Me Cooper know imidetely." The lady said and hung up.

I sighed and put my phone down. I layed in bed and FiNaLlY went to sleep.

^° Timeskip to morning °^

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and walked upstairs to see Gene, Aph, Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, Vylad, Garroth, Zane, Laurance, Nicole, Aaron, Malissa, Zenix, Sasha, Aliana, Jack, Jess, Jason, Ein, and Emerald. I walked in, grabbed a plate of pancakes and went downstairs.

"Hey! Those aren't for you!" Aph yelled.

"I'm not coming out of the basement unless I have to! Have a nice day!" I yelled.

I sat on my bed and ate the pancakes. I decided that I was gonna go visit my friends back in Falconclaw and got dressed. I packed a few outfits and walked upstairs with my bag, phone, keys, and other stuff I could find.

"Where are you going?" I heard Ein growl.

"None of your business Ein." I said.

тнε вεαυтιғυℓ ιηвεтωεεηεя (Gene x OC {Lillith}) ~Book 2~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن