Chapter 5: awkward conversations

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When A.J left the room I was thinking about everything Louis, Violet and A.J said PERVERT that word how, Where did he hear it? Louis said he was staring at me? Ugh this shirt is so wet I'm going to go ask Violet for a shirt. I walk down the long dark hallway until i am at Violet's door I knock loudly and Violet shouts "Come in" I open the door until there is enough space for me to fit through than I shut the door "hey Clem" Violet said sitting on her bed as she Pat the spot next to her "sit down" I sit down on the bed next to her "I uh just came in to ask for a shirt if you have any that is" "um I don't know let me look" Violet says to me while she looks through her closet "no,no,no there's nothing in here but a singlet, are you ok with that" she says to me yeah yeah it's fine" I take my wet shirt off and Violet's face goes bright red "h-here c-clem t-take i-it" she studdered like crazy, why is she acting like this "I- what's wrong with you" I asked Violet she doesn't answer but gives me the short looking away from me "thanks" I say still thinking why she is acting like this. I put the shirt on then say "you can look now I'm naked" i say sarcasticly "W-what" Violet studders out "I'm joking turn around" I said wile laughing "oh" was all Violet sai, then turns around face still red as a tomato "why are you acting this way?" I asked her out of curiosity "I like girls, I'm a lesbian" Violet uttered practically whispered "oh shit I didn't know I... I'm sorry" I said awkwardly "it's didn't know" Violet said awkwardly "bye Violet" "cyah Clem" Violet said then I left the room and closed the door behind me. Than headed to Marlon's office to talk about staying here.


Louis was the only thing in my head when about to knock on the door to the music room. I could hear the piano through the door then I knocked loudly so he could hear me then walk into the room it was for some reason colder in hear than outside but I just brushed it off "hey Louis" I said harshly "woah chill" I motioned him to come over to me, he got up and walked over to me than I punched him square in the jaw "what the hell was that for" he said slightly angry " you go near her and you will get a lot worse trust me, you want to live you stay away from her she's mine" I growled at him "o-ok I will try ok".Louis cowers in fear to meeee!
Ok mabye slight exaggeration but he was scared of me which is good
"You better or this gun right here" I pull out my gun and point it at him
"Will blow your fucking head off you prick" I said with confidence lacing throughout my voice "o-ok A.J calm down Buddy I won't go anywhere near her unless she needs help" Louis says with the fear in his voice his trying to hide it "Good talk now I have another matter to deal with i HATE YOU never talk to me ever again unless we HAVE to, got it?" I said "ok fine"
"Good I have to go talk to Marlon now " I smirk at him "yeah ok A.J"
He smirks back "Call me sir" i smirked bigger this time "YES SIR" he saluted me and felt proud I made Louis practically be d to my every will "Stick with A.J" ishouted behind me while running off not hearing his answer

General P.O.V

Clementine and A.J after they finished talking to Marlon they went out to hunt and fish A.J went fishing while clem went hunting with Louis, A.J thought Louis would back off so didn't think anything of it but it only made Louis wanting Clementine more.

Clementine P.O.V

Me, Louis and Assim went hunting and Louis was silent until A.J was out of sight then started talking like crazy when we got there I went with Louis to hit the walker that was hanging in one of the traps I hit it three times before Louis said somerhing I didn't expect "A.J has a crush on you"Louis says confidentiality "w-what your joking right?" I ask seriously "nope major crush on you, even ask marlon and I think Violet knows as well" he says as he grabs and holds my hand while we walk back to the school "no he doesn't you're lying" I say irritated "I'm not lying" Louis says pride laced throughout his voice "i-im going to ask him you know" "go for it, watch his face go red as a tomato" Louis insisted as we see A.J he's face emotion immediately goes from happy to angry when he sees me and Louis.


As soon as I saw Louis and Clem holding hands I turned mad he completely ignored what I said
"LOUIS" I yell "What's up little dude" he said with a massive smirk on his face "WHAT DID I TELL YOU" I spat at him "what she wanted me too so I did" Louis says innocently, I sigh and walk off

*Timeskip to next morning*

"Hey A.J" Clem said to me, she had been acting weird ever since after my confrontment with Louis
"What's up Clem" i said to her



MUHAHAHAHA CLIFFHANGER ENJOY THAT READERS but on a legitimate note it's 2 am and I've been trying to get this chapter out for ages it's not to long but there. Logan out!!!

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