Chapter 8: the good guys and bad guys

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I was still sitting down on the table I found I was feeling like an idiot, CLEM could be out there dead and it's all my fault just like it was with Walter and Kate now Clementine i-i can't handle that god now I'm crying just please be ok Clem please be saf- "FUCK IM SORRY SHE GOT AWAY BILL" I heard someone scream-WAIT BILL OH GOD THAT COULD BE MY FATHER I HAVE TO RUN AWAY NOW and with that start sprinting towards the direction of the school. Gunshots started to ring out, I dodge a bullet heading straight towards my shoulder and a bullet hits my chest "ugh FUCK OW FUCK FUCK FUCK" I start swearing FUCK it hurts I winced in pain from the running and bullet wound I eventually lose them but all the gun shots and screaming drew walkers I got my knife out and started slowly killing the walkers one by one then one of the walkers grab me I was about to kick it when the walker started talking "no no stop" I winced in pain "ow please let go of me" I said while hurting "yeah ok and-shhh" he said while letting go but covers my mouth "FUCK WE LOST HIM" A male said sounded like Hank "FUCK FUCK" "I uh sir I heard that kid say something about a Walter and a Kate" someone whose voice I didn't recognise "BILL HANK JOSS ANYONE" THAT IS TROY OH GOD IT REALLY IS HIM "we have to go that person will want me if he knows who I am he thinks or knows I'm his son but he is an evil person as the gunshot will tell you" I whisper to the mysterious walker "quick we can use the herd as a diversion" he leads the herd to Carver and his group with hesitation they start dispatching of the walkers "ok let's go" he says sadly "yeah"

we sat on a log in the forest completely away from Carver and his men "so...what is your name" the mysterious person asked "A.J, yours" i asked him "my name is James"James said "I like your name" I said not knowing what to say, James looked flustered for a second then recomposed "thanks" James said smiling gleefully "Now-AGH"I  screamed in pain from the gunshot
"Are you ok" he sounded worried but I can't focus on what he is saying, I feel lightheaded and-

Clementine's P.O.V

"OPEN UP WE GOT WOUNDED" I shouted  "you what-holy shit" willy says as he opens the gate "What the hell you can't just bring more people here""we cannot leave them out there" "holy fuck is she passed out" "were short on food as it is" the group starts arguing "SHUT UP"Louis shouts
the group quiets down "look we can't just hand her back to her pepole-" oh god Brody "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE, IS THAT A FUCKING NOTHER ONE" Brody starts going off her head "BRODY SHUT THE FUCK UP WHEN WE FOUND HER SHE WAS ABOUT TO BE RAPED I AM NOT LETTING THAT HAPPEN AND IT JUST HAPPENS I KNOW WHO GOD A.J IS OUT THERE PROBABLY ALRRADY KIDNAPPED BY THE PERSON WHO THINKS THAT A.J IS HIS CHILD" I shouted at her which had gained everybody's attention then tears started slowly falling out then pouring "oh god A.J this is all my fault" "Clem this isn't your fault it's mine"Louis says "if-if I had listened to what A.J told me i-he would still be here" "A.J told you?" She said through tears "he told me to stay away from you and if I did we would have been fine" Louis said sadly "he what now?"
"Y-yeah he said that you were his and only his" Louis told me "god it's worse than I thought" "come let's relax I'll play you a song" Louis smiles at me i just frown back.

Kiah P.O.V

Ugh where am I am I no not again please not again I rip the tape off my arm please don't be locked please don't be locked no it is that means "HELP LET ME OUT PLEASE NOT AGAIN" I burst out in tears "hello" a feminine voice speaks to me "your not him you aren't going to hurt me are you?" I asked I looked up and saw a girl with dirty blonde hair and beautiful piercing green eyes "of course not the names Violet by the way"  she flashes me a smile that I didn't return he says I'm not allowed to smile I'm not allowed to be happy "whatever" I muttered "come on" she said with an unreadable expression "o-ok"I responded

Once outside I looked around there are so many guys here then I heard shouting "YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS" "SHUT UP let's talk about this somewhere else" "N-No I don't want too "well we are Brody" the kid with the mullet said "I...ok" Brody caved in
Now lets-" "WALKER"a kid shouted before firing an arrow "HOLY SHIT HE HAS A.J" then Violet ran off "holy shit CLEM LOUIS" she shouted and- WAIT A.J oh my god "A.J" I shouted while running to the gates "ow" he winced "k-kiah is that you" he says in a groggy voice "A.J" I said whilst he was being put down "he got shot I got the bullet out of him and patched him up best O could but without proper medical care he could've died"the person who was carrying him said "shit give him here" a kid said "um are you enough know" the skin boy asked "I treated her and his freind I think I'll be fine" "ok" then I gave A.J a kiss on the cheek "you'll be okay" he was blushing like crazy "I...thanks" he started walking with the kid "well I'm off" and with that he walked off but before he could enter the building two came busting out "oh my god A.J are you okay" "y-yeah Clem I'm fine" A.J replied "you don't look fine" Clem replied "it's just a bullet wound" A.J said she immediately started bombarding him with questions "Leave him alone you want him to get treated don't you" I said to her "I'm sorry when did you suddenly care about someone you met just a second ago" she retorted "since I met him at new frontier" I replied smugly to her "what" "yeah so don't fucking jump to conclusions okay" "you should treat me better I saved you from getting raped" she said with a frown on her face "She what?" A.J questioned frantically "she was about to be raped by Troy and I saved her" "OH GOD" A.J started freaking out "Clem he saw me bill saw me oh god he saw me not my face but and oh jeez oh god" "don't worry I told Troy you died" "but what of they saw me what if-" "A.J calm down it'll be okay" clem started to comfort him "W-what they saw you-you know them" "Bill is possibly A.J's Father and we were with there group a long time ago" "A.J you-your related to the person who ordered my rape oh god" "w-what my possible father let Troy rape you god" "yeah-A.J" i shouted  in sink with Clem when he passed out

Marlon P.O.V

"Brody calm down" "YOU REMEMBER THE LAST TIME I WAS IN A ROOM ALONE WITH YOU , YOU TRIED TO RAPE ME" Brody shouted "look i made a mistake ok I won't do it again and-"
I heard something fall "WHO'S THERE"
I shouted and Clem and Kiah come around the corner "what are you talking about" Clem questions "nothing go back to bed" I lied "those people you saw we have history with them" Brody quickly said "SHUT UP" I demanded "no Brody talk" kiah said "he gave them the twins in order for protection" she said "SHUT THE FUCK UP BRODY" I shouted at her "and he is going to-to" before she could finish I hit her in the head with flashlight she started bleeding like crazy "I oh shit I didn't mean to god i- there is a first aid kit in here somewhere help me look for it" I tell kiah "Clem your I danger" i hear Brody say "What" "Marlon will kill me if I tell" "I will deal with him just tell me" "yeah your strong and he's not- he said he'll give you and A.J to the Raiders if they come back just like he did with....with Sophie and Minnie" "The twins I thought they died" "that's just the story we told everyone" "oh god I can't let you tell them" I say before sprinting for the exit

Kiah P.O.V

"MARLON YOU SON OF A BITCH ugh need something thin and I can unlock the door" Clementine yelled , i found the first aid kit "Clem quick I found the first aid kit and Brody she's gone and a ruler perfect for the gap come quick then Brody jumps out at us and I quickly push a shelf on top of her and start running towards the exit Clem puts the ruler in between the gap and almost opens the latch before dropping it but I quickly give it back to her and she unlocks it and pushes it open "Come on" she says before running off then I get on the top step before Brody grabs my leg and tries to bite it then I start beating the shit out of her with the flash light Marlon gave me before running off after I kill it I run outside 

1643 words god my longest chapter yet and this was originally supposed to be about 500 words so consider yourselfs lucky and on the subject of the story

should I kill Marlon or not let me know but if Marlon lives there will be consequences mwahahahahah
I'm out

Onesided-loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora