Chapter 26

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A/N: Hello lovely people, happy Valentine's Day!! Here is a new chapter to celebrate this day that I actually don't even like lol. 

I am super sleepy (why do I always write late at night?) so this chapter is not really edited yet. I'll read through it later. I hope you still enjoy it~

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day/ night~~

November 30th, 2018 - Bangtan's New Residence


"And don't even think you will get away with what you did because Jimin is fine now. I clearly told you what the consequences would be if you didn't stay in the vans. We didn't need you to try to be Superman. 

And I'm really disappointed in you, Namjoon. I thought you were the most responsible of these guys, and you're their leader too. 

How can you follow Jungkook and Jin in doing something so dangerous? What if she had a gun? What if she'd shot one or all of you? Are you gonna be responsible in front of your families and the fans, uh?"

The seven of us are sitting down in our living room, listening to a really angry Sejin hyung lecture all of us... Well, mainly Namjoon hyung, Jin hyung, and Jungkook. Apparently, they decided to rescue me despite his orders not to intervene. I've never seen him this pissed in all the years I've known him.

"Hyung, I know what they did was dangerous but can't you just let it go this once since it ended well and they stopped her before she hurt me? The police were not even responding and I swear she was about to stab me." I plead in a soft tone that usually works with most people. I don't usually bother to use my aegyo with the managers because they know me too well. But in this case, it's either this or Bang PD will hear about what happened very soon.

"You should stay out of this, Jimin. Do you know that they even went in with one of TWICE's members? What were you thinking?" He stops me before running his hand through his hair angrily and continuing his tirade.

"I haven't talked to the boss yet because I need to figure out how to deal with you guys first. And I'm warning you that if anybody else does something stupid, they are going to receive the same punishment."

I sigh quietly because if he hasn't told our boss yet, it means there is still a chance to convince him to let it go. Then I hear his last words as he turns to look at Hobi hyung, Yoongi hyung, Tae, and I menacingly.

"Tch, if you're going to punish them anyway, you should just punish all of us. We were all in the car and we watched them go," Yoongi hyung suddenly interjects defiantly from the side of the room.

"I agree! I'm 100% with him on that," Hobi hyung also speaks and I turn to look at him. I'm surprised he said that because he usually wouldn't speak his mind out in controversial topics like this. He likes to observe and think carefully before making decisions.

"Yup, punish me too," Tae says from behind me and I sigh again before opening my mouth.

"I guess if you're gonna be punishing people, you might as well include me since they were doing it because of me. I don't see why they should be the only ones to suffer."

Sejin hyung puts his hands on his hips and huffs in frustration.

"Don't push me, guys. I'm leaving now before I really do something I'll regret. And just so we're clear you're ALL forbidden from going anywhere except official schedules, until further notice. And I have eyes in the building. If even one of you does whatever he wants again, you will all be responsible." And with that, he turns around and slams the front door on his way out.

Notes | Park Jimin x Yoo JeongyeonWhere stories live. Discover now