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Requested by: legondayspider333

*WARNING: trigger moments, if it gets to much please stop reading, I'd rather have no readers then knowing Ive triggered my readers! Also if you ever need to talk I'm here to listen*

Scenerio: You self harm and they dont know about it, well that's until Sam went to the store

Age: 16

Your P.O.V:

"Y/N I am going now." I heard my dad say as I sighed.

"Okay." I yelled back and sat in my bed staring at my poster filled wall. My phone kept buzzing its dreaded buzz, but I didnt dare look at it because I know what it was. Hate. Its always hate. And I dont get why. My dad put me in school to have a normal life, but to be honest I'd rather be fighting demons, then the real monsters that go to my school. My phone now rang loudly as I stared at my wall. I looked down glancing and saw his name on it. I groaned and knew I had to pick it up.

"Oh I see youve finally answered stupid bitch! What happened couldnt take a damn joke pig?" He said as I sighed. Derek James, the schools bad boy, in other words my worst bully. Yeah his words don't hurt, but his fists do. I look down at the cuts I physically made, but he mentally built.

"You know, I'm glad you never died when I told you to because, then who would I be able to beat? You know where to meet me tomorrow. Do it and don't be late." With that he hung up. I sighed deeply as a tear ran down my face. My phone buzzed once again as I heard the voices in my head speak loudly wanting me to and making me read the hate messages from Derek's buddies.

"Hey whore! How are you today? Really hope you're splitting those wrists again" one of them said.

"Hows your two play toys. What were they names Slut and Dick?" I glared at that one.

"Your a fucking cow you know. How about you stop eating I heard that's quicker then slitting the wrists. It would be my favour to cut your wrists for you." My breathing became heavy as the next one hit harshly.

"Your a fucking cunt! I'm surprised your daddies want you! Ha! Daddies, is that what you call them in bed? Probably because your a slut! Or is that what they call each other? I dont know and I don't care. You know what you'll be doing everyone a favor if you put a rope around your neck, or jumped off of a bridge, or take 20 pills that helps too." Tears ran down my face as I chucked my phone. I ran to my bathroom and slammed it close. My breathing became rapid as I looked into the mirror seeing my (y/e/c) dull now and my hair all snarly. I squeezed the sink trying to fight the voices in my head, but they keep getting louder. I know how to quiet them, but I told myself not to. I looked in the mirror again and remembered the day Derek beat me so badly I couldnt walk. I told my dad I was staying at a friends, but in reality I stayed in the woods near my school where he beat me. I couldnt take it anymore. I went to the shower and grabbed my razor, I broke it and grabbed the blade as I slid down the wall. I sat there staring at the blade, then sighed deeply. I slid the blade across my wrists as the voices became quieter. I did it again and again until my arm was dripping blood from 8 cuts. I was about to do it again until I heard Dean knock.

"Hey are you okay? Youve been in there for over an hour." He said as I mentally cursed.

"Y-yes I'm f-fine. I'll be out in a m-moment." I said an mentally cursed out my stuttering.

"No your not! Let me in or I'll kick the door down." He said shaking the door handle. I knew he wasnt kidding, so sighing I slowly stood up as tears continued down my face. I unlocked the door as he pushed it open forcefully. He froze as he saw my arms.

"Y/N why? No." He said and pulled into a hug sobbing. He kissed my forehead many times and helped me clean my self made wounds.

"I-Im sorry, I'm so sorry uncle Dean." I said. He looked at me brokenly.

"Ive gotta tell Sam." I shook my head.

"N-no please. No!" I yelled as he pulled me into his arms an hugged me. He picked me up bridal style as he took me to the livingroom and sat on the couch me on his lap. "Please."

"I'm sorry baby." He said. He kissed my forehead again as my dad came through the door.

"Y/N?" He asks setting the stuff down, that's when he realized my tears. I looked at Dean when he looked at dad.

"I'm sorry Sammy." He said as my dad glared protectively.

"What hapoened?" He asked.

"S-she-" I cut him off sighing as more hot tears came down my face.

"I self harm." My dad stood there in shock staring at me, then he looked at my arm with the wrapping around it, then to Dean. Tears fell as realization hit and he ran over to me. He picked me up out of Deans arms and sat me on his lap.

"Please dont do this baby girl. Your perfect the way you are! For who you are! Please!" He cried into the crook of my neck as I cried as well.

"I'm sorry dad. I-I- it hurts! I'd rather fight what you fight, then deal with the true monsters I deal with!" I said as he held me tightly. "I'm suffering every single day-" he cut me off my kissing my forehead.

"You at not suffering, youre conquering! I dont know what you go through, but I-" he sighed heavily. "I understand what you go through. Ive been there and believe me it doesnt help." He said as Dean looked at him brokenly. He moved his arm, so we could both see his arm. I gasped, they were faint, but there. I hugged him as Dean hugged both of us. "As for school, I'll transfer you and if that doesnt work, then online, but your not fighting what we fight because you have your own fights to conquer. Baby promise me you'll at least try to stop?" He said as I nodded and kissed his forehead.

"I promise dad." With that we all held each other for the rest of the night.
Oof, I made myself almost cry! I even used Jared words, when he told a fan that she wasn't suffering, she was conquering. I hope this one was good! And please know that anything I wrote in here that was bad about you was not true! Your beautiful! Please keep reading and commenting!

Rianna xx

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