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“Another glass please.” The hall was wrecked, covered in thrown tables. Cards scattered on the floor, smashed glasses and gun shells.
It was about 1am at the moment Takahashi was trying to talk to Mr. Stanis about the whole situation.
Meanwhile I’m drowning the memories of tonight in booze and pork scratchlins. Just me and the bartender. He placed another glass of scotch on the rocks in front of me. “You saw him didn’t you? He was and asshole. Well I dated him and out of anyone in this grand hall! I’m glad it was me who shot him.” I wasn’t drunk but I was tipsy. “Drinking alone are we?” I heard the deep voice from behind me. I spun on my chair to see a Takahashi. “mind if I join?” “Pick up a stool.” I smiled at him. He picked up a stool from the ground and placed himself on top. “How many have you had?” I held up two fingers. I had four. “Guess I have to catch up, two shots of your hardest liquor.” He looked at the bartender. Poor Steven was scared of the Black Dragon.
We sat there in silence drinking for a while. “So... your real name is Anya?” he asked softly.
I raised my eyebrows “Yeah, I decided to change it when you asked, I didn’t want to bring that life into this one. You can call me Anya if it’s really a big deal.” “No. I think Hana suits you better.” He said quickly before looking away. “Are you a virgin?” he almost spat out his chaser. I'm drunk enough to be this bold. “I mean you seem to have women flocked around you all the time.” “No, I’m not...” He looked shocked.
I hit his shoulder “I’m only joking. Jesus, I’m not a virgin either. But don’t go shunning me.” I laughed taking a sip of my scotch. “let's drink." I clinked my glass against his “To getting Mr. Takahashi, the black Dragon, absolutely smashed!” I knocked back my scotch. “Another please!” Just like that we proceeded to get absolutely wrecked.
On the way back all I can remember is laughing my head off.  All the way back. Frank Sinatra was blasting and I was dancing and singing I think Takahashi was dancing too. One point I was sat on his lap singing ‘New York, new York’. Whilst he was smoking a cigar in a top hat he’d found in the casino.
On the way back all I can
remember is laughing my head off.
All the way back. Frank Sinatra was
blasting and I was dancing and singing think Takahashi was dancing too.
One point I was sat on his lap singing
'New York, new York'. Whilst he was
smoking a cigar in a top hat he'd found in the casino.
When we got back we stumbled into the elevator pretending to be professional business men. I had a large bottleof champagne and I was carrying my heels. Meanwhile Takahashi wasred and had and no shoes.
We danced some more when we got
back. I got a pen from next to a phone.
I ran over to Mr. Takahashi "I'll make you look pretty!" I straddled his lap and popped the lid off the pen I giggled as I started to scribble away on his face as he sat quietly. I drew
some eye liner and a moustache. I was half way through his moustache when he gripped my hips. I could feel how big his hands were.
I smiled warmly and started to scribble clout rapper face tattoos. He stayed quiet his face was really hot.
We were gonna be very hung over tomorrow. He had been smiling all night and I knew I'd forget it in the morning, I didn't want too his face was finally bright and his eyes squinted when he grinned and
I think I saw dimples.
"Hana how old
are you?"
"l'm 18, l'm 19 tomorrow." I
"Im so much older then you...
you are 幼児!" he slurred, I giggled.

"what's yoji mean?" l asked.
"child or infant..."
"... I like Japanese, I like your voice." pushed his hair back a wrote
on his forehead.
"I like your beauty," he put his head into my neck "and your gun
skills." He muffled into my neck.
I laughed and embraced him tighter.
The time of things were important to
me. We hugged for what felt like hours but it was seconds before he broke the warm silence. He was still a stranger to me even though I've known him for a while now. Hugging a stranger.
"More drinks?" he asked. His voice I used to think was rough and grained. Was now soft and warm.
"yes, wine please." I went to pull away before l felt, not even. an inch of cold between us his hands rushed under my thighs and he carried me to the kitchen.
I could feel my heart beat in my throat and a warm glow inside me.
He held me like l was light as a feather and precious as a kitten.
He set me down on the counter and stumbled around the kitchen finding a single bottle. He unscrewed the cork and swigged the bottle before passing
it to me.
"let me draw on you face." Hе picked up the pen and looked at
me menacingly.

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