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My hands were shaking uncontrollably as I tried to wrap my brothers wounds with the help of an elderly lady who had witnessed the whole thing. My face, drenched in sweat in tears . My cloths were now stained red as I sat on the warm concrete , holding my bleeding out brother. I had been calling out for help for what seemed like forever , someone called 911 but they seemed to be on their own time. My Brother was shot in broad day light outside of the gas station , twice. In the stomach and chest. I repeatedly checked his pulse , in which was now slowing down at a low 37. "Please Dae, look at me ! Don't go, you're all I got" I cried into his chest. He didn't respond , his chest only heaved up and down slowly. Finally , three police cars sped to us followed with an ambulance. "YALL NEED TO HELP THIS BABY ASAP" the old woman who had called 911 yelled at them. "Ma'am please, what happened" the first officer questioned her "mane why y'all questioning her !? MY BROTHER IS DYING" I snapped . Shortly after they Brung a stretcher over to us and put my brother on it, rolling him into the truck. I quickly jumped up and tried to get in. "Ma'am we need you for questioning" an officer stopped me "dawg , Ian answering a mutha fuckin thang till I know my brother okay" I quickly sized the officer before jumping into the truck as they closed the doors and we took off . The paramedic was quick on his toes trying to make sure Daequan didn't slip away as he managed to ask me questions as another quickly jolted them down . "What's your relationship to Daequan ma'am" he asked attempting to stop the bleeding without moving any bullets that were possibly still there "Im his little sister"
"Same parents?" He asked "yes . Mom and dad"
"He gone make it?" I asked as my leg shook and tears fell freely "it'll be a miracle" one of them mumbled as they quickly discharged him from the truck . They practically ran him through the emergency center. It was hard keeping up with them due to the fact that I'm short stubby and 6 months pregnant. "Ma'am we're gonna have to ask you to wait in the waiting room" the doctor said as I tried to walk in "doctor please" I cried "please don't let him go" I breathed "I promise I'll do everything I can" he spoke calmly before entering the room and closing the door I sighed heavily as sharp pains began to shoot through my stomach "FUUUCK" I cried out holding my stomach as everything went blurry before black

"Alright Ms. Neveah I'm going to have to assign you to strict bed rest until further notice... this kind of stress is not good at all for you or the baby" the doctor spoke as he wrote on his clipboard. I sighed as a few tears fell. "The baby is fine, but be careful or we will have to call an emergency premature labor" he said now serious "I've also noticed you have no emergency contact on file besides Daequan  ... you have a friend or anything you can stay with or to come and get you" he asked. I simply blinked slowly and stared at him before speaking slightly above a whisper "my boyfriend, I'll give a call" He gave a slight yet concerning smile before handing me discharge papers "do you happen to have any documentation on my brother.... Daequan Alvarez" I asked hopeful that he'd give me good news "I'm sorry Neveah..." my chest heaved up and down "please don't say he didn't make it" I whispered covering my mouth as tears fell freely
"He only slipped into a coma ... He was shot in the chest , although the bullet was awfully close, it didn't hit his heart by the grace of God. " I sighed relieved "auugh, I'll take that over death" I wiped tears and the doctor handed me tissue "okay , make that call Ms. Alvarez. Stop to see your brother on the way out but after that ... bed rest and no stress. Understand?" He said sternly. I nodded "I'm expecting to deliver a healthy baby in three months now" he chuckles trying to lighten the mood "you got my word Dr. Hindle" I smiled signing and handing him the papers. "Alrighty Neveah , get home and get some rest. And be sure to call and make a follow up appointment from today and I will see you then" he smiled before walking out. I powered on my phone notifications of missed calls and messages filled my phone from my baby's father

Lover🥱: bro you see me callin . Whea you at
Lover🥱: baby... pick up da phone bra
Lover🥱: ows you got me fucked up bro😂
Lover🥱: fuck I did Ta you Shordy ? Where you aht w my baby ? I miss yall😩
Lover🥱: Ard Ts ain een funny no more baby where you aht? And why you mad shawty😤
I giggled at his messages before calling him
"Aye bro what the fuck was that whole ghost situation!" He snapped answering on the first ring "mane coolauh . Daequan got shot-" "where y'all at" I heard him pick up keys and began to move frantically "listen there's more" I sighed "more ? He died ? Bro you at the hospital? I'm on my way. Is the baby okay?" He began tossing question after question "Micah please" I sighed running my hand down my face. He simply groaned "man I'm on my way" he hung up. I ran my fingers through my now tangled hair that was straightened when my day started. I picked up my bloody cloths and called Micah again "baby bring me some cloths please " I sat back on the bed. "What the fuck happened !? YOU NOT ANSWERING MY QUESTIONS AND SHIT BRO WHAT HAPPENED!!!" He snapped at me. I couldn't even be mad... because he was right
I let out a long sigh and wiped a stray tear that had fallen before explaining everything from the beginning. "and now I'm on bed rest" I pouted
"Mane wha da fuck" he stressed "if it ain't one thang it's a MOTHA FUCKIN NOTHER" I heard him punch the steering wheel following his melt down. "Chill Micah... we're okay. Just come get me. Dis hospital cold as a fuck" I started to become snappy. "Ard mane I'm pulling up. And yuh I got some cloths" he sighed

"Mane I love you. I'm so sorry I couldn't do much but I tried I swea Ta gawd" I cried on Dada's chest "mama you good . Wasn't more you could do" Micah rubbed my back "but why now" I cried harder "we only got three months left" I gasped for several breaths because I was doing the ugly cry. "You did your part Vea, now let God do his" Micah said calmly while still rubbing my back. "I just wanna stay here till he wake up" I sobbed squeezing his sheets with my head still in his chest "Neveah you on strict bed rest guh. We gotta leave" "I love you dada para sempre e depois " Micah hates when I speak in Portuguese but he let it pass this time knowing it was me & dada's thing since our mom passed and she was from Portugal. "Come on mamas" he helped me up by my waist

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