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Bang Chan's POV

You walked out of the dance room with your bag in hand, while chuckling slightly at how red Y/n face got but only if she knew it was a front, so she couldn't see your real reaction. As soon as you shut the door to the dance studio you leaned on the door and could hear your heavy breathing, your heart was pounding so hard that it felt like it was going to explode out of your chest, you tried to shake it off and you started to walk towards your dorm with your hand on your chest.

When you got back to the dorm, Lee Know was the only person there  and Since Lee Know is a romantic guy, you decided to talk to him about why your heart was reacting with such force but you already knew why, you just wanted to confirm it.

"Hey, can I quickly speak to you about something" Lee Know turned around to you and gestured that you sit down "sure, go ahead" "well it's about something that happened to me" "ok go ahead" Lee Know said while munching on a bag of crisps,
"Ok long story short I was dancing a little bit of the new dance Y/n was practicing and she tried to help me with one of the movements then we both fell, she fell on top of me in between my legs and we were so close that I could feel her hot breath"

Lee Know nods showing that he is listening and you go on "but the one thing that i can't find the answer to is why my heart was beating so crazily fast" you sigh, slouching down in your couch before saying "I don't even like her" "maybe you do but just don't know it yet" Lee Know stands up from his seat and heads towards his room while shouting that out to you.

Your thoughts start to wonder and it takes you to Y/n, you didn't like it when you thought of her as your girlfriend so you knew you didn't like her but you couldn't stop thinking about her, which made you go crazy, yeah you thought she was hot and you was sexually attracted to her but you didn't see a future where you are in a relationship with her.

Your POV

You wake up with a groan and start to do your morning routine which is shower, teeth, hair and then your outfit and if you had time then maybe you would have some cereal but since you didn't have time you went straight to the JYP Entertainment building and started to practice the dance that you would teach the nine rookies.

As you finished the dance you took a short break and had some water, then the door opens and it reveals Chan you start to choke on your water as soon as you saw him. "Hi" he slightly chuckled at you "oh uh hi, your here early" "yeah, I wanted to speak to you" you was a little shocked and worried at the same time, "ok" he suddenly starts walking towards you and when he is infront of you, he doesn't stop walking so you start to back up but he keeps walking in your direction and your back hits the hard wall and forces you to stop but he doesn't until he is right in front of you, inches away.

Your heart starts pounding crazily fast, he then puts his left hand on the wall next to your head while his other hand caresses your cheek and it starts moving down until his fingertip is lightly brushing past your lips, you start breathing heavily and you wanted more than just the touch of his fingertip, you wanted him. So you didn't push him away and you let him continue to see what he would do.

"Your beautiful" his hot breath hits your face and your eyes widen, you was in shock to hear that out of the blue. you was sexually attracted to him so you felt joyful that maybe he finds you sexually attractive but you didn't like him to be his girlfriend, "your sexy" his voice gets deeper and husky, it sends shivers through your body and you grow to want more of this side that you have never seen of Bang Chan.

"Do you like me??" he questions with a deep, husky voice and you slowly shake your head, "do you want me" your eyes widen a little, you nod your head slightly and your not the sort of girl to admit that you wanted someone sexually so you shocked yourself. a smirk grows onto his face, "let's make a deal" "what deal" your eyes are focused on just his lips, "I want you and you want me so you give me private lesson and we both get what we want" "and what do we both want" you question but you already know the answer "pleasure, we want to feed our desires for each other" he wasn't wrong you did want his body and since you two were already close it seemed.... Normal.

You look up at his eyes and nod your head while biting your bottim lip, you wanted him now at this very moment but you knew that the other members would arrive soon so you control yourself. He looks at you one more time before leaning back and walking away from you, you stand their frozen and unsure of what to do and at that very moment the door to the dance room opens and reveals the other members.

One week later

It has only been a week since you both made that deal without falling in love and it wasn't at all awkward between you two, but you guys still haven't done anything sexually yet so you wonder if it will still be the same afterwards.

You just ate your lunch at a cafe and now heading back to work. You open the door to the practice room and see Chan there practicing, he was all sweaty and was wearing a black t-shirt that was tight around his arms so it showed his muscles and you was impressed, he was also wearing black loose Adidas bottoms and black trainers, you seem to notice that he wears black a lot.

You enter the room and Chan stops practicing and instead you can feel his piercing eyes staring at every move you take, today you was wearing leggings that showed your nice butt and a tank top that was lacy at the back and it showed more cleavage than you expected.

Dance Teacher // SKZ Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now