happy v day

11 0 0

Today I'm needy

I've been shaky.

very shaky...

It's really painful to be without you.

Chilling in class on the second floor but I can feel my hands washed cause I went to the bathroom.

That's not only what I did though...

Last period I waited a little extra long for you.

Cause I had something

Something I thought you might appreciate.

It was a box. 

A pretty box...

reminded me of you.

I handed it to you with a quiet wish of "Happy Valentine's day..."

and you nodded and I moved on.

It's hard to type. I'm super shaky :P wtf is this?

I painted something that was true.

I have to be honest, I think I may have gone a bit overboard.

Maybe... Too much glitter.

But I wanted it to be good.

I can imagine you getting super pissed because the box may have popped open and hearts spilled out. You'd be super pissed at me, even if you said you weren't   ...    <3

Sorry... Didn't mean to embarrass you...

I hope you like it. I really do.

But I remember the time you told me you saw me in math class with my head down. Tired, Stressed.

I remember seeing you walk by my classroom and wanting to run out and hug you, kiss you with all I had...

I wanted to so bad.

You look so perfect in every situation it's hard to resist...

My heart feels on the verge of tears when I can't hold you.



*takes a breath listening to inside out*



*skips consequences because in current situation would not affect mind in a good way* 

(may be fatal)



I hate that I'm dumb. I hate it.

I wish I could be in your class just so I could stare at- ahem - see you a lot.

I know you might not like that tho.

So I wouldn't if I could--



But anyway...

This time I went to the bathroom on the floor above just so I could walk by your classroom and see you in class.

I just wanted to see your face again.

You have no idea how much I need you.

How much my heart aches for you every minute of every hour of every. single. day.

I'm sick on you but you're the medicine too. (CC)

I just wanted to see you.

I never thought about it.

The idea just popped into my head and after a "can I go to the bathroom," the next thing I knew I was on my way up the stairs.

I walked slowly by your classroom, careful that I could get a good glance of you, but not to be too weird,,, which I think it's too late for that... Since I turned a few heads.

I promise I only walked by twice. Promise. 

And that's only because I went to the bathroom. I went there and turned back.

I was half wishing for you to look up and see me, even if I did, I know you wouldn't like it. Maybe widen your eyes at me if you noticed I was there.

I can just see you telling me with your eyes.

"¡Go to class weirdo!"

It would make me laugh because I would want to make fun of you...

It's the only thing I could do... (:

"lovin' you I thought I couldn't get no higher"

But when I walked by I saw you with your head in your elbow and your classic concerned expression.

I'm half glad you didn't see me.

You may have gotten upset.

Please don't be upset.

I think I'm breaking right now.  (cc)

It's time to leave class. I know, you think I wasted my time. 

(I didn't)

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