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Today when I woke up all my clothes and stuff was packed in boxes. I got out of bed, and stumbled downstairs into the kitchen, where I found my mom making breakfast "Why the hell is all my stuff packed?" I asked her, awaiting an answer I stood behind her with my arms crossed. "Honey, your father and I both told you we were moving today." She turned around and stared at me. I stared at her with tears in my eyes, "mom how could you do this? You didn't give me any heads up, What am I gonna do? I  can't just leave my friends!" I ran out of the kitchen, and ran up to my room, I got some clothes I felt like wearing, and went into the bathroom, I undressed and turned on the water, making sure the temperature was just right, I put my Phone on my dock, and put my music on shuffle. I get in the shower and start to wash my body, with my pink peony and rose petals body wash. I wash my hair with coconut shampoo and conditioner. I get out of the shower and brush my hair, then blow dry it, then brush it again, I then straighten my hair. I brush my teeth, and do my makeup. I turn my music off and get all my stuff out of the bathroom and carry it into my bedroom to finish packing all my stuff. I plug my phone in so its charging, I head downstairs "Mom I'm leaving, I'll be back!" I go outside and head over Alex's house, Alex has been my best friend since the 3rd grade. I knock on her door and when she answers I walk in, "Call Brandon, and tell him to get over here." I sit on her couch and wait. About 10 mins. later Brandon shows up, I've been friends with Brandon since the 1st grade, he's been there for me when no one has, he's always there.. I don't want to leave them. I stand up "Can you guys sit down on the couch?" Brandon looks at me awkwardly but nods and sits down, Alex sits next to them and they give me there undivided attention. I look down at the ground "Guys.. I'm leaving in less than two hours.." Brandon smiles "okay, well, we will just see you tomorrow." I laugh "I wish.. guys I'm moving to Cali.." Alex looks at me with tears in her eyes "Your joking right? That's like.. hold on let me look it up" she gets her phone out. "That's like 1806.53 miles away!" Brandon who seems to be shocked, stands up and walks over to me he hugs me tightly, I hug back "I'll call you guys and text! I'll even Skype you guys, and I promise I won't ever replace you." I smile at them, "guys I really am gonna miss you, I'll give you guys our address so you guys can mail me, I'll mail you guys stuff too! I told my mom I'd be back soon.. I gotta go guys.. I love you!" I hug them both and walk out the door. When I get home there's a Uhaul in the driveway and my dad is carrying boxes outside. I run inside and head upstairs the only thing left in my room is my phone ans charger. I grab them both and head outside, I get in the car and wait. We are in the car for what seems like a year! WE ARE FINALLY IN CALIFORNIA. 

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