Ultimate Designer

33 2 7

Name: Shyama Chernobog

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height: 5'6

Weight: 143 lb


Ultimate: Designer

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Ultimate: Designer

Personality: A bean you'd think is pure af, but is actually pretty genocidal. He finds it funny how people suddenly hate him after seeing his murderous side, but deep down he wishes he still had friends. He tries his best to act all innocent and trusting, but in reality he could be plotting your murder....

Backstory: He doesn't remember too much before he started middle school, but he does remember living alone his whole life and that he always had a hard time having friends ("Making friends was easy, keeping them was harder..."). He begun his work as the "Ultimate Designer" after he got a reputation for patching up fellow classmates' clothes. As time went on, he began to make his own line of fashion and went on to become more famous after THE Junko Enoshima modeled one of his designs (or really any popular Ultimate Fashionista or Ultimate Model tbf).

Execution: Past Layers - Shyama is placed in a boutique where he is surrounded by many mannequins resembling him at different ages, a Monokuma dressed like him is beside him and begins tearing up the youngest mannequin (age 3). The Monokuma keeps tearing all the mannequins, but as "older" the mannequin appears the more cuts starts to appear on Shyama himself. By the time the Monokuma reaches the current "age 18" mannequin, Shyama is already dying of blood loss. However unlike all the other mannequins, the Monokuma simply stabs the final mannequin the heart, giving the fatal blow onto Shyama.
Extra Scene: The Monokuma (still dressed as Shyama) shows off a new outfit in a display case in front of the remaining students, which the "model" is actually Shyama's corpse: now being used as a store mannequin for Monokuma's use.

Likes: Sewing machines, blood

Dislikes: Following trends, having rivals

Ultimate Introduction Quote: "Huh? What are introductions again...? Wait my bad, you meant to ask for my name and talent right? W-Well I'm Shyama"

Being Accused of Murder Quote: "H-Huh...? (Protagonist), d... do you really think I would kill someone? I don't even get how I would be able to kill someone, all I can use is a sewing machine and needles. H-How would I kill someone with a needle, i-it's impossible right!?"
"(... f*ck she's/he's coming onto me-! Calm down Shayama: he/she probably isn't referring to our true, murderous nature... just if I'm the culprit or not. Keep up the act and she'll/he'll be off our case in no time...!)"

Being Accused of Being the Mastermind: "E-Eh!? W-W-Why me? Do I look capable of doing something like that? D-Do I look like a sinister person?"
"(God I wish I could be the mastermind right now~!)"

Before Rebuttal Showdown: "Allow me to cut through those words- AND TEAR THEIR FACTS OUT FROM THE SO-CALLED LOGIC YOU PLACED!"

Before they get Executed Quote: "Well f*ckers, this is where we reach the ending point of our journey together. ... yeah there's no need to hide my act anymore, I mean you also all hate me now and if you don't you should. I was never genuine with you, and I lied about my personal life! ... well not my talent, I never lied about anything to do with my 'Ultimate Designer' title... but you all should feel betrayed. ... sorry that I was never friends with you all, I wish we could've been... I wish I could've told you all that-! ... actually, only revealing that will make matters worse... but promise me you won't continue my work. Please, let me be the last to sew the seeds of despair into this class! Please... PLEASE SURVIVE THIS H*LLHOLE AND MAKE IT OUT ALIVE! ... I-I'm counting on all of you... and good-bye..."

Finding a Body Quote: "Aw... I missed my cha- I-I mean...! Oh no (Victim)! ... wait are you just... sleeping!? ... no, I don't think you be after *this* "
"(... and why wasn't that someone me...? Great, now I have to kill a different target...)"

Character Theme Song: 


BUT this one fits his hidden self more... 

Especially from 1:57 to 2:19

Password: Kill the lights, kill the actor, kill the actress, or kill us all

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