The new principal

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     Mrs.Valdka's POV

      I got out of my orange and red car and looked up at eight pine high's big welcome back student's sign. Why was I sent there? My boss had said i was investigating the children at the school, why children? What about staff?

     Students were swarming around me, some giving dirty looks, and others ignoring me completely. I walked up to the front doors and walked inside, my brown heels clicked against the purple floor. People stared at me as I made my way down the hall. I was a bit nervous being the new principal, since some past principal's have had....... accidents. The school was five years old, and was up to five principals already. The first one-miss.Gothel- had died of old age, the had gone crazy and tried to murder some students, the third-mr.Haddock- got in a car accident, the fourth one - Mr. Arens - died in a boating accident, and the fifth one - Mrs.Dunbroch - was hiking, and met up with a bear, getting a fatal injury, she will never walk again, but she will live.

      Can you see why I was nervous?


       I walked to the office and walked in. I was immediately greeted by Mr. Corona, the secretary and Mrs. Corona, the vice principal. They were married and their child,  Rapunzel went here. I picked up a sheet with the staff on it:

     -Mr. Jenkins sand
     -Mr. Aster E. Bunmund
     -Mr. Sant North
     - Mrs. Toothina fair
     -Mr. Felix Dunbroch
     -Mr. Duke weselton
     -Mr. Papi Trol
     -Mrs. Arens

       That was my staff for the year. I hoped they liked me, and the students. If they didn't that would have been a huge problem. The FBI does not look upon failure nicely.

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