Elsa and jack

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Elsa's POV

I was not the most social person. I hate people. The only person I can stand is Anna, my sister. We are complete opposites yet I love her, Rapunzel Is just to much, she can come over but she must stay 10 feet away at all times. I did not have a crush. Nope. Fine I do have a crush on that popular guy Jack overland. Nothing special. He is simply hot. But he is arrogant, inconsiderate, mean and stupid. hormones.

My dad and mom died In a boating accident three years ago. I wear elbow length gloves, because I am a germophobe. People assume I hate life and I am emo. Because my hair is white and I am a loner. My hair is a natural white and I am quite smart, I am just anti-social.

Jack's POV

I am popular. My friends are Flynn, Hans and Dagur and I have no girlfriend. I am not stupid I just say I am, I have a reputation y'know. I have a little sister named Emma in grade eight. I don't have a crush. If I did I wouldn't say I want to keep rolling in the lady's. ............................ fine like that loner Elsa. She is not just pretty, she is smart-i looked at her files.

I am an orphan. No one knows but, me and Emma leave school every day and walk to the orphanage. I never knew my parents. I wear all the 'in' clothes. How do I get them? I work halftime at a resteront on Mon-Fri plus, I borrow some funds from the orphanage. Helga, the nice lady who owns the orphanage does not mind when i borrow. I was treated like dirt at my other orphanage

So I like act popular at school. I died my hair white because my favorite teacher, Mr. North, got some type of cancer and his hair turned white, so I did it too. He is better but I still die in support of others.

Hey here I hope you like it.

This is not it. There is more pasts more of others.

There is more to their pasts this is just the beggining


Goodbye, my little wattcakes

Gwen Autumn•

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