Merida and Hiccup

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       Merida's POV

       I love sports, mostly football and archery. I love the people I love, an hate th people I hate. Deal. I have three brothers who are triplets. We are Scottish. My friends are the jocks, but they are dudes. A girl needs some girlfriends. So I hang with Punzie and Anna. I am a senior. (A/N: all of the big eight are in senior year.) My hair always gets in the way, an so does my accent.

       My mum, got into a hiking accident with a bear and can no longer walk an' me dad works as a teacher here at my school. I have no crush. Though I might have some interest in that hiccup fella. I live in a big old fashioned house. And I have a car. A black and white car named Angus. Yes, I named my car, yes it is a boy car. I do not care what you think. A car is a car. An automobile with 700 (A/N: I don't understand car language.) Horse power. Boo ya!

       Hiccup's POV

       I am not athletic at all, but I am smart. I like to think I know everything. I am not being cocky, I just have not came upon a question I could not answer. My best friends are Kristoff and fish. We are the nerds. I have no friend girls or girl friends. But I have a crush on the star of the archery, football, hockey, soccer, volleyball, basketball, and skiing team. Merida Dunbroch. Wow.

       My mom is- dead. She died before I was one. My dad died three years ago in a car accident. I am an only child. I live in the middle of the woods with my grandma, Denese. All of the cool kids (druggies) have really cool cars. This one girl, Astrid, who likes me-never thought I would sat that- has an awesome blue and orange car I wonder if I could get one...

I updated a lot this weekend because I have no homework on the weekends. Try not to expect a chapter during the week try:

- week: one (at most)

- weekend: two (at least)

Thx my little wattcakes :-)

•Gwen Autumn

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