My Addiction

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I crave you.
You're my forever plug.
Something I always seem to look forward to.
It like you pulled me in.
You word soothing.
Your heart booming.
For me, I would never believe it.
Sometimes I wish it was a little easier
To swallow the pills faster.
Let it flow.
But one pill isn't enough for me.
I crave more.
I crave u.
I'm shaking.
Because all I can think of is you.
And your eyes,
I want to stare at for hours.
Make them cry just to see if they change colors.
I crave your touch
I might never get to feel.
You words.
That sweet ramble sounds
I think of it as I sleep.
And fear it in my nightmares.
Thinking it's all going to be taken away from me.
But when you told me you were willing to fight
I was too.
No matter what happens next I knew
There was a chance of me and you.
And I swallow the pain away one more time.
Once I finally see you.
My love.
My craving.
My addition.

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