Noodles pt.2

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"Ms. Hwang!"


Yeji's eyes shot open upon feeling the miniature object hit her head.

Ahh...she was spacing out again...

"Pay attention!"

Yeji nervously nodded before mumbling a faint apology.

This is Ryujin's fault.

She thought.

Although she knew that it was partly her fault for not even trying to move on, the girl couldn’t help but put the blame on her ex girlfriend.

Her gaze shifted towards the back of the room where Lia was seated, to which the latter slightly shook her head in disappointment.

Lunch break started, and Lia made a beeline to Yeji's table, her arms crossed.

"How many chalks are you planning to break? Do you fund the chalks of this school?" She sarcastically asked, eyebrow raising.

"I’m sorry I’m sorry, I know," Yeji sighed, ruffling her hair,"I just couldn’t stop thinking of her,"

Ryujin flooded her thoughts everywhere she went. Her grades going parkour from 90 to 70, she didn’t pay much attention in her classes.

The teachers would eventually throw a chalk, it’s size halved compared to its original size, and it would always hit Yeji point blank at her forehead.

Yeji questioned how the teachers have such good aim. It was a small chalk, and she has a small face so the chances of hitting her forehead were surely low. She began to think about the teachers as contract killers or snipers, earning a smack from Lia.

"You’re being enslaved," Lia began, worry present in her tone,"Ryujin is dragging you down,"

The taller knew she was right. The mere thought of Ryujin breaks her heart. She remained clung to Ryujin although she was free.

But she wasn’t free from hurt.

"Here, let’s eat," Lia handed her a small lunch box with cartoonic bear designs.

"What’s this?" Yeji's eyebrow raised in confusion.

"A lunchbox, duh,"

"Lia plz,"

Lia giggled,"I made lunch for you this time, so eat it and say you love me,"

Plopped down the seat across from Yeji, and she could tell the girl was in shock.

Yeji gaped at the lunchbox with her mouth open for a few seconds before Lia playfully shoved a sushi in the latter's mouth.

"Eat, okay? Eat well yum~. She hummed before bursting into laughter.

"Ah heh hu!," Yeji glared as she chewed her sushi,"You didn’t even bathe it in sauce!"

"It’s yours, hun. It’s your baby why would I bathe it,"


The two happily ate until a voice boomed throughout the whole classroom, catching their attention.


The girl exclaimed, panting before standing up straight again.


Yeji sighed, she was once again reminded of Ryujin.

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