Chapter 2

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For a long while, Valhein couldn't kill vampires. He was wounded severely, and he needed rest. So until the days of their vampire butchering together will come to be, Violet took care of Valhein and gave him the rest he needed.

She treated his wounds, gave him a couch to sleep on, food, and everything he would need at the time of his recovery. The two talked most of the time when Valhein wasn't sleeping. There was lots for the two to talk about, seeing how they are very alike in what they strive for, and what their pasts were like.

Eventually after five months, Valhein had made a full recovery. His wound did scar, but that's what happens to your body when you live a life full of danger and peril. But it didn't really bother Valhein much. He thought of it more as a medal. But he especially didn't care since he was still able to move perfectly and kill vampires after recovery.

Once Valhein made a full recovery, both he and Violet worked together to put an end to the vampires reign. All vampires ever did was steal. They stole innocent human lives, kills your loved ones, destroy and wreak havoc in small villages, and more. They were a evil threat that needed to be put an end to.

Valhein and Violet working together turned out being a great idea. Vampire after vampire was massacred, and the two hunters were a threat to their existence. Very much so, the remains of what's left began to unite to destroy the the two hunters. Well....perhaps that part isn't good. But the part where Valhein and Violet are managing to make their dream a reality, that is good.

But the more battles the hunters fought, the closer they became. Over time the hunter and the huntress found themselves being more drawn to the other. And before they each knew it, they fell in love. Love...what a bliss. It can feel as though it'll last forever. But thats when reality strikes hard. Nothing last forever. Not truly. But don't worry, nothing breaks their bond or whatever in this story. And neither dies, so do not fear.

Valhein and Violet was strolling down the woods close to Violet's cabin house. They talked and they talked, they laughed and they laughed, and never have either felt so happy before in their lives. Not since the vampires took everything from them. In the beginning all they really lived for was revenge. But now, it felt as though their lives meant something more than that. They both felt another new reason to live..for each other.

Today Valhein and Violet was taking a break from killing vampires. Today they were taking it easy, just being together. As they strolled through the woods. "I love you, Valhein." Smiled Violet as she clung to Valhein and rested her head against his chest lovingly. "I love you too, sweet heart." Valhein smiled as well.

Everything at that moment was perfect. But then hell had to break. Valhein and Violet was surrounded by armies of vampires, ready to murder the two in order to stop their vampire-killings. If they did that, perhaps they can live their lives normally again, and perhaps they will be able to feed on humans in peace. But of course, Valhein and Violet wouldn't allow that, ever. Not even in their graves.

So Valhein and Violet fought off the overwhelming numbers of vampires. As they killed more and more while having each others backs, the battle field was soaked with blood, along with their own attire. Sometimes to bring peace and change, you have to dirty your hands. It may not be pretty, but in some cases, it is the only way.

Over time, Valhein and Violet survived the war that was brought to them. Somehow or other, they managed to kill the vampires. And in doing so, they wiped out the entire race. Yes, that's right, finally, no more vampires roamed the earth. They were all dead, gone, extinct. Valhein and Violet succeeded in their goal. Finally, revenge was served and peace will come.

But upon wiping them out, deep inside, Valhein felt an emptiness. The vampires were finally wiped out from the phase of the earth. They will no longer steal needlessly. They will no longer bring anymore harm or heart ache to others. It was all over. They were at peace.

Violet was hopeful at that moment, that now that the vampires were wiped out, being as close as they were, Valhein may want to settle down in their cabin and raise children, live peacefully and happily from that moment forward. Especially since their mission was accomplished.

But as great as the idea sounded to Valhein, he had to decline. He declined because a voice had spoke to him a bit after the vampires were wiped out. He said that an ethereal voice called out to him. It said that he had dared to do what few mortals in history could have done. He fought against the creatures of the night and triumphed, alongside Violet. But the voice added that darkness takes on many forms, that vampires were but one of many.

From that moment forward, Valhein continued to fight. But rather instead of vampires, he moved on to destroy demons. Valhein was once known as Valhein the notorious vampire hunter. But now he was known as the Demon Hunter. Violet continued to fight alongside Valhein, but asked of him if one day, he would consider living a peaceful life together, raising children of their own. Valhein gives a bob of his head and promises that when the time is right, once he retires, they will do just that.

The End

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