Chapter 6

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“Your brother's cute.”

Blaine spun around and lost his footing toppling over and hitting the ground hard. He winched as hit his elbow against the door.

“Oh my gosh! I keep doing that!” Kurt rushed forward and knelt down in front of Blaine, hands hovering over him. “Are you okay?”

Blaine stared at him wide-eyed and nodded.

“I don't mean to scare you. Really. I just... I just want to talk to you. Are you okay?” Kurt looked at Blaine, eyes big and blue and lovely.

Blaine nodded again.

“Are you ever going to say anything to me?” Kurt asked with a little smirk.

Blaine gulped and then slowly held out his hand, “I'm Blaine.” he said, doing his best to keep his voice from shaking.

Kurt glanced at his hand momentarily before a wide smile spread across his face. He didn't take Blaine's hand but instead clasped his own in front of himself excitedly. “I'm Kurt!”

“I know who you are.” Blaine answered letting his hand drop and feeling a little steadier. He stood to his feet and braced himself against the wall. His legs still felt a little wobbly. He was talking to a ghost after all.

A ghost of someone he'd seen killed. A ghost that lived in his house. Blaine watched Kurt rise to his feet as well. A ghost that was absolutely stunning.

Kurt was wearing dark jeans, that fit him perfectly, a dark gray vest that made him look slim and tall, over a crisp white henley with its sleeves rolled up showing off his amazing biceps. To finish it off he wore a broach with several small keys dangling from it.

While Blaine could appreciate his impeccable clothing, what he really couldn't keep his eyes away from was Kurt's face. Light skin with a soft speckling of freckles, perfectly swept up hair framing his face, high cheek bones, stunning blue green-eyes and lovely pink lips that had Blaine leaning forwards slightly.

“Are you alright?” Kurt asked, and Blaine realized he'd been staring.


“Are you okay? You look a little flushed and I don't want you to pass out or anything.”

Blaine stood for a moment unmoving before he came back to himself, “Yeah. Yes. Fine. I guess... considering.”

“Considering that you're talking to a ghost?”

Blaine smiled, “Well, at least you know. And I don't have to convince you, or explain why I'm freaking out a little.”

“Oh I know.” Kurt sighed, “And actually you are doing remarkably well not freaking out. The last people I talked to kind of high-tailed it out of here.”

“Yeah, I heard about that.” Blaine said and started walking towards the living room. Was he actually feeling comfortable talking to a ghost? Maybe, but he still needed to sit down.

Kurt followed him into the next room, luckily not walking through any walls or doing something that would have been equally disturbing. .

“Plus, you seem like a nice ghost,” Blaine said sitting down on the couch, his legs still a little unsteady. “A friendly one. Like Casper.”

Kurt smiled, “That's funny because people use to call me Casper.”

At Blaine's confused look Kurt gestured to his face, “The pale skin? That and Porcelain.” Kurt glanced down at the newspaper articles still littered over the coffee table. “You've been doing your research.”

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