Blood//Water - Grandson

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I smiled, loving the look on his face.

"You know, you did this," I said, pointing towards his dead children. One girl, one boy. Both very good looking, and each had their whole lives ahead of them.

"You caused this. You're the reason they're gone." He started shaking as I put the knife I used into his hand.

"All of this, just because you wanted a little more money. They were all you had left right?"

"Please... Stop....."

"It's too late, they're gone. Was it really worth it? How long did it take you to create that poison?"

"F-four y-years..."

"Four years... And you failed!" I yelled slamming my hands on the desk he was behind.

"You failed... You should've thought harder... You should've put more... Money can't solve this problem. What are you going to do now?"

"I..... I...."

"You'll never get free... Your greed took everything from you. Oh shhh. Here that?" A soft knock was heard as he looked at the door. "I wonder who that is? Maybe your wife? How disappointed will she be when she finds out what you've done? Hmm? Should we find out?"

I walked over to the door, opening it to see a small and fragile woman. I smiled pulling her into the bloodbath.

"Hmm... How pretty.."

"STOP IT! She did nothing wrong!" The man yelled standing up.

I grabbed her neck and a stood behind her.

"I'm well aware, however, what can you do?"

"Please! Have mercy on her! Forgive me! Please!"

"Hmmm, begging I see. Well, well, well. Why should I?"


"Umm no," I said snapping her neck and seeing her fall to the ground.

"Oh, sirens! Wonder what they'll say?"


I walked out of the room, sneaking into an alleyway, hidden by the shadows of the night.

I saw him getting arrested for my crimes, I smiled and snuck away.

What you gonna do when there's blood in the water Danny boy?

328 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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